

Webmesh Desktop

A Virtual Desktop Infrastructure running on Kubernetes. With soon to come webmesh integration.

Go Report Card Tests Build Go Reference

ATTENTION: The helm chart repository has been moved to a separate repo to tidy things up here more. To update your repository you can do the following:

helm repo remove kvdi
helm repo add kvdi https://kvdi.github.io/helm-charts/charts
helm repo update

helm install kvdi kvdi/kvdi  # yes, that's a lot of kvdi

This project has reached a point where I am not going to be making enormous changes all the time anymore. As such I am tagging a "stable" release and incrementing from there. That still doesn't mean I highly recommend it's usage, but rather I am relatively confident in its overall stability.

If you are interested in helping out or just simply launching a design discussion, feel free to send PRs and/or issues. I wrote up a CONTRIBUTING doc just outlining some of the stuff I have in mind that would need to be acomplished for this to be considered "stable".




For building and running locally you will need:


Install standalone

If you don't have access to a Kubernetes cluster, or you just want to try kVDI out on a VM real quick, there is a script in this repository for setting up kVDI using k3s. It requires the instance running the script to have docker and the dialog package installed.

If you have an existing k3s installation, the ingress may not work since this script assumes kVDI will be the only LoadBalancer installed.

# Download the script from this repository.
curl -JLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvdi/kvdi/main/deploy/architect/kvdi-architect.sh
# Run the script. You will be prompted via dialogs to make configuration changes.
bash kvdi-architect.sh   # Use --help to see all available options.

NOTE: This script is fairly new and still has some bugs

Install to a pre-existing cluster


For more complete installation instructions see the helm chart docs here for available configuration options.

The API Reference can also be used for details on kVDI app-level configurations.

helm repo add kvdi https://kvdi.github.io/helm-charts/charts  # Add the kvdi charts repo
helm repo update                                              # Sync your repositories

# Install kVDI
helm install kvdi kvdi/kvdi

It will take a minute or two for all the parts to start running after the install command. Once the app is launched, you can retrieve the admin password from kvdi-admin-secret in your cluster (if you are using ldap auth, log in with a user in one of the adminGroups).

To access the app interface either do a port-forward (make forward-app is another helper for that when developing locally with kind), or go to the "LoadBalancer" IP of the service.

By default there are no desktop templates configured. If you'd like, you can apply the ones in deploy/examples/example-desktop-templates.yaml to get started quickly.

Bundle Manifest

There is a manifest in this repository that will just lay down the manager instance, its dependencies, and all of the CRDs. You can then create a VDICluster object manually to spin up an actual application instance.

To install the manifest:

export KVDI_VERSION=v0.3.6

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvdi/kvdi/${KVDI_VERSION}/deploy/bundle.yaml --validate=false


The kustomize manifests in this repository are generated by kubebuilder and are usable as well similar to the Bundle Manifest. They can be found in the config directory in this repository.


Most of the time you can just run a regular helm upgrade to update your deployment manifests to the latest images.

helm upgrade kvdi kvdi/kvdi --version v0.3.6

However, sometimes there may be changes to the CRDs, though I will always do my best to make sure they are backwards compatible. Due to the way helm manages CRDs, it will ignore changes to those on an existing installation. You can get around this by applying the CRDs for the version you are upgrading to directly from this repo.

For example:

export KVDI_VERSION=v0.3.6

kubectl apply \
  -f https://github.com/kvdi/kvdi/raw/${KVDI_VERSION}/config/crd/bases/app.kvdi.io_vdiclusters.yaml \
  -f https://github.com/kvdi/kvdi/raw/${KVDI_VERSION}/config/crd/bases/desktops.kvdi.io_sessions.yaml \
  -f https://github.com/kvdi/kvdi/raw/${KVDI_VERSION}/config/crd/bases/desktops.kvdi.io_templates.yaml \
  -f https://github.com/kvdi/kvdi/raw/${KVDI_VERSION}/config/crd/bases/rbac.kvdi.io_vdiroles.yaml

When there is a change to one or more CRDs, it will be mentioned in the notes for that release.

Building and Running Locally

The Makefile contains helpers for testing the full solution locally using k3d. Run make help to see all the available options.

If you choose to pull the images from the registry instead of building and loading first - you probably want to set VERSION=latest (or a previous version) in your environment also. The Makefile is usually pointed at the next version to be released and published images may not exist yet.

# Builds all the docker images (optional, they are also available in the github registry)
$> make build-all
# Spin up a kind cluster for local testing
$> make test-cluster
# Load all the docker images into the kind cluster (optional for same reason as build)
$> make load-all
# Deploy the manager, kvdi, and setup the example templates
$> make deploy example-vdi-templates
# To test using custom helm values
$> HELM_ARGS="-f my_values.yaml" make deploy

After the manager has started the app instance, get the IP of its service with kubectl get svc to access the frontend, or you can run make-forward-app to start a local port-forward.

If not using anonymous auth, look for kvdi-admin-secret to retrieve the admin password.


All traffic between processes is encrypted with mTLS. The UI for the "desktop" containers is placed behind a VNC server listening on a UNIX socket and a sidecar to the container will proxy validated websocket connections to it.


User authentication is provided by "providers". There are currently three implementations:

All three authentication methods also support MFA.


kVDI started as just a fun project, but as more people have started to use it, I've really wanted to find more time to continue making improvements. Unfortunately, it just doesn't pay the bills so I can only really settle into it when I have nothing else going on. I've set up a Patreon and an ETH wallet if people would like to support further development:

Feel free to email me at the address on my Github profile if you have any other questions.