

Tinypool - the node.js worker pool ๐Ÿงต

Piscina: A fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation

Tinypool is a fork of piscina. What we try to achieve in this library, is to eliminate some dependencies and features that our target users don't need (currently, our main user will be Vitest). Tinypool's install size (38KB) can then be smaller than Piscina's install size (6MB). If you need features like utilization or NAPI, Piscina is a better choice for you. We think that Piscina is an amazing library, and we may try to upstream some of the dependencies optimization in this fork.

In case you need more tiny libraries like tinypool or tinyspy, please consider submitting an RFC


Using node:worker_threads

Basic usage

// main.mjs
import Tinypool from 'tinypool'

const pool = new Tinypool({
  filename: new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url).href,
const result = await pool.run({ a: 4, b: 6 })
console.log(result) // Prints 10

// Make sure to destroy pool once it's not needed anymore
// This terminates all pool's idle workers
await pool.destroy()
// worker.mjs
export default ({ a, b }) => {
  return a + b

Main thread <-> worker thread communication

<details> <summary>See code</summary>
// main.mjs
import Tinypool from 'tinypool'
import { MessageChannel } from 'node:worker_threads'

const pool = new Tinypool({
  filename: new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url).href,
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel()
const promise = pool.run({ port: port1 }, { transferList: [port1] })

port2.on('message', (message) => console.log('Main thread received:', message))
setTimeout(() => port2.postMessage('Hello from main thread!'), 1000)

await promise

// worker.mjs
export default ({ port }) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    port.on('message', (message) => {
      console.log('Worker received:', message)

      port.postMessage('Hello from worker thread!')

Using node:child_process

Basic usage

<details> <summary>See code</summary>
// main.mjs
import Tinypool from 'tinypool'

const pool = new Tinypool({
  runtime: 'child_process',
  filename: new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url).href,
const result = await pool.run({ a: 4, b: 6 })
console.log(result) // Prints 10
// worker.mjs
export default ({ a, b }) => {
  return a + b

Main process <-> worker process communication

<details> <summary>See code</summary>
// main.mjs
import Tinypool from 'tinypool'

const pool = new Tinypool({
  runtime: 'child_process',
  filename: new URL('./worker.mjs', import.meta.url).href,

const messages = []
const listeners = []
const channel = {
  onMessage: (listener) => listeners.push(listener),
  postMessage: (message) => messages.push(message),

const promise = pool.run({}, { channel })

// Send message to worker
  () => listeners.forEach((listener) => listener('Hello from main process')),

// Wait for task to finish
await promise

// [{ received: 'Hello from main process', response: 'Hello from worker' }]
// worker.mjs
export default async function run() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    process.on('message', (message) => {
      // Ignore Tinypool's internal messages
      if (message?.__tinypool_worker_message__) return

      process.send({ received: message, response: 'Hello from worker' })


We have a similar API to Piscina, so for more information, you can read Piscina's detailed documentation and apply the same techniques here.

Tinypool specific APIs

Pool constructor options

Pool methods



<a href="https://github.com/Aslemammad"> <img width='150' src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37929992?v=4" /><br> Mohammad Bagher </a>


Your sponsorship can make a huge difference in continuing our work in open source!

<p align="center"> <a href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/aslemammad/static/sponsors.svg"> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/aslemammad/static/sponsors.svg'/> </a> </p>


The Vitest team for giving me the chance of creating and maintaing this project for vitest.

Piscina, because Tinypool is not more than a friendly fork of piscina.