A tiny and powerful UIFrameWork for Unity4.x and Unity5.x
2018.1.30 -> Update Project to Unity5.6.2f1 with NGUI version 3.11.4.
How to Start
- Click the MainStart.scene in Scenes folder
- find GameObject "!!!DemoDriver!!!" in scene
- Toggle the DebugSystem Enable Log
- play the "Game" from one window to other window ,back to another window ......
- Unity4.x & NGUI3.6.7(If you want using Unity3d 5.x version, just update the NGUI's right version too)
- 2018.1.30 -> Update Project to Unity5.6.2f1 with NGUI version 3.11.4.
UIFrameWork Target:
- load window, Show, hide, close window
- Animation Interface for your window hide/show animation
- Window Depth, window common collider bg manager
- (!!!maybe the most goal)Manager your window navigation (when you click the return/back button you need not to care which window I should Go)
- Add some very common MessageBox
- Give you a total game example(just the window logic)
- You can easily modify for your own game
- Do more (event system , Decoupled your game code)
Share and Idea
- If you find some cool idea just share with us (new issues or email)
- This framework is in updating
Wish this simple tiny frame work can help some one who want to save his time develop the window logic