

Tinode Web


Single-page web chat application for Tinode. The app is built on React. The Tinode javascript SDK has no external dependencies. Overall, it's a lot like open source WhatsApp or Telegram web apps.

Although the app is generally usable, keep in mind that this is work in progress. Some bugs probably exist, some features are missing. The app was tested in the latest Chrome & Firefox only. NPM package is available.

Try possibly newer or older version live at https://sandbox.tinode.co/.

<a href="https://web.tinode.co/"><img src="web-app.svg" height=36></a>

For demo access and other instructions see here.

Installing and running

This is NOT a standalone app, this is just a frontend, a client. It requires a backend. See installation instructions. See instructions for enabling push notifications.

Getting support

Helping out


The app is fully internationalized using React-Intl. The UI language is selected automatically from the language specified by the browser. A specific language can be forced by adding #?hl=XX parameter to the URL when starting the app, e.g. https://web.tinode.co/#?hl=fr.

The app is currently available in the following languages:

More translations are welcome. See instructions.

Not done yet


Responsive design

Desktop screenshot

<p align="center"> <img src="web-desktop.jpg" alt="Desktop web: full app" width=810 /> </p>

Mobile screenshots

<p align="center"> <kbd><img src="web-mob-contacts.png" alt="Mobile web: contacts" width=250 /></kbd> <kbd><img src="web-mob-chat.png" alt="Mobile web: chat" width=250 /></kbd> <kbd><img src="web-mob-info.png" alt="Mobile web: topic info" width=250 /></kbd> <kbd><img src="web-mob-forward.png" alt="Mobile web: forward message" width=250 /></kbd> <kbd><img src="web-mob-video-call.png" alt="Mobile web: video call" width=250 /></kbd> <kbd><img src="web-mob-avatar.png" alt="Mobile web: change avatar" width=250 /></kbd> </p>