

Send Send

Build status on GitLab CI Latest release Docker image Project license

A fork of Mozilla's Firefox Send. Mozilla discontinued Send, this fork is a community effort to keep the project up-to-date and alive.

Find an up-to-date Docker image here: docs/docker.md

The original project by Mozilla can be found here. The mozilla-master branch holds the master branch as left by Mozilla. The send-v3 branch holds the commit tree of Mozilla's last publicly hosted version, which this fork is based on. The send-v4 branch holds the commit tree of Mozilla's last experimental version which was still a work in progress (featuring file reporting, download tokens, trust warnings and FxA changes), this has selectively been merged into this fork. Please consider to donate to allow me to keep working on this.

Thanks Mozilla for building this amazing tool!

Docs: FAQ, Encryption, Build, Docker, More

Table of Contents

What it does

A file sharing experiment which allows you to send encrypted files to other users.



To start an ephemeral development server, run:

npm install
npm start

Then, browse to http://localhost:8080


npm run formatFormats the frontend and server code using prettier.
npm run lintLints the CSS and JavaScript code.
npm testRuns the suite of mocha tests.
npm startRuns the server in development configuration.
npm run buildBuilds the production assets.
npm run prodRuns the server in production configuration.


The server is configured with environment variables. See server/config.js for all options and docs/docker.md for examples.


See: docs/localization.md


Pull requests are always welcome! Feel free to check out the list of "good first issues" (to be implemented).


Find a list of public instances here: https://github.com/timvisee/send-instances/


See: docs/deployment.md

Docker quickstart: docs/docker.md

AWS example using Ubuntu Server 20.04: docs/AWS.md



The android implementation is contained in the android directory, and can be viewed locally for easy testing and editing by running ANDROID=1 npm start and then visiting http://localhost:8080. CSS and image files are located in the android/app/src/main/assets directory.


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0

qrcode.js licensed under MIT