

Continual Learning via Sequential Function-Space Variational Inference (S-FSVI)

This repository contains the official implementation for

Continual Learning via Sequential Function-Space Variational Inference; Tim G. J. Rudner, Freddie Bickford Smith, Qixuan Feng, Yee Whye Teh, Yarin Gal. ICML 2022.

Abstract: Sequential Bayesian inference over predictive functions is a natural framework for continual learning from streams of data. However, applying it to neural networks has proved challenging in practice. Addressing the drawbacks of existing techniques, we propose an optimization objective derived by formulating continual learning as sequential function-space variational inference. In contrast to existing methods that regularize neural network parameters directly, this objective allows parameters to vary widely during training, enabling better adaptation to new tasks. Compared to objectives that directly regularize neural network predictions, the proposed objective allows for more flexible variational distributions and more effective regularization. We demonstrate that, across a range of task sequences, neural networks trained via sequential function-space variational inference achieve better predictive accuracy than networks trained with related methods while depending less on maintaining a set of representative points from previous tasks.

<p align="center"> &#151; <a href="https://timrudner.com/sfsvi"><b>View Paper</b></a> &#151; </p>

In particular, this codebase includes:

[1] The implementation is based on the approximation proposed in <a href="https://timrudner.com/fsvi">Tractable Function-Space Variational Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks</a> (Rudner et al., 2022).

<br> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="images/schematic.png" alt="Figure 1" width="80%"/><br> <b>Figure 1.</b> Schematic of sequential function-space variational inference. </p>


To install requirements:

$ conda env update -f environment.yml
$ conda activate fsvi

This environment includes all necessary dependencies.

To create an fsvi executable to run experiments, run pip install -e ..

Reproducing results

Split MNIST, Permuted MNIST, and Split FashionMNIST

MethodSplit MNIST (MH) <br/>Open In ColabSplit FashionMNIST (MH) <br/> Open In ColabPermuted MNIST (SH) <br/> Open In ColabSplit MNIST (SH) <br/> Open In Colab
S-FSVI (ours)99.54% ± 0.0499.05% ± 0.0395.76% ± 0.0292.87% ± 0.14
S-FSVI (larger networks)99.76% ± 0.0098.50% ± 0.1197.50% ± 0.0193.38% ± 0.10
S-FSVI (no coreset)99.62% ± 0.0199.17% ± 0.0684.06% ± 0.4620.15% ± 0.52
S-FSVI (minimal coreset [2])NA [3]NA [3]89.59% ± 0.3051.44% ± 1.22

[2] "Minimal coresets" are constructed by randomly selecting one data point per class for a given task.

[3] Since S-FSVI already performs well without a coreset, the minimal coreset option is not useful.


MethodSplit CIFAR (MH) <br/> Open In Colab
S-FSVI [4]77.57% ± 0.84

Sequential Omniglot

MethodSequential Omniglot (MH) <br/> Open In Colab
S-FSVI [4]83.29% ± 1.2

[4] To speed up training and reduce the memory requirements, only the variance parameters in the final layer of the network are learned variationally and the linearization is computed on the final layer only.

2D Visualization

This notebook Open In Colab demonstrates continual learning via S-FSVI on a sequence of five binary-classification tasks in a 2D input space.

<p align="center"> <img src="images/toy2D.png" alt="Figure 2" width="90%"/><br> <b>Figure 2.</b> Predictive distributions of a model trained via S-FSVI on tasks 1-5. </p>

Adding new methods or tasks


      author={Tim G. J. Rudner and Freddie Bickford Smith and Qixuan Feng and Yee Whye Teh and Yarin Gal},
      title = {{C}ontinual {L}earning via {S}equential {F}unction-{S}pace {V}ariational {I}nference},
      booktitle ={Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning},
      year = {2022},
      series ={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
      publisher ={PMLR},

Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work.