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Frosted is a fork of pyflakes (originally created by Phil Frost) that aims at more open contribution from the outside public, a smaller more maintainable code base, and a better Python checker for all. It currently cleanly supports Python 2.6 - 3.4 using pies (https://github.com/timothycrosley/pies) to achieve this without ugly hacks and/or py2to3.

Installing Frosted

Installing Frosted is as simple as:

pip install frosted --upgrade

or if you prefer

easy_install frosted

Using Frosted

from the command line:

frosted mypythonfile.py mypythonfile2.py

or recursively:

frosted -r .

which is equivalent to

frosted **/*.py

or to read from stdin:

frosted -

from within Python:

import frosted


Discussing improvements and getting help

Using any of the following methods will result in a quick resolution to any issue you may have with Frosted or a quick response to any implementation detail you wish to discuss.

What makes Frosted better then pyflakes?

The following improvements have already been implemented into Frosted

And it will only get better from here on out!

Configuring Frosted

If you find the default frosted settings do not work well for your project, frosted provides several ways to adjust the behavior.

To configure frosted for a single user create a ~/.frosted.cfg file:


Additionally, you can specify project level configuration simply by placing a .frosted.cfg file at the root of your project. frosted will look up to 25 directories up, from the one it is ran, to find a project specific configuration.

You can then override any of these settings by using command line arguments, or by passing in kwargs into any of the exposed api checking methods.

Beyond that, frosted supports setup.cfg based configuration. All you need to do is add a [frosted] section to your project's setup.cfg file with any desired settings.

Finally, frosted supports editorconfig files using the standard syntax defined here: http://editorconfig.org/

Meaning You can place any standard frosted configuration parameters within a .editorconfig file under the *.py section and they will be honored.

Frosted Error Codes

Frosted recognizes the following errors when present within your code. You can use the 'ignore_frosted_errors' setting to specify any errors you want Frosted to ignore. If you specify the series error code (ex: E100) all errors in that series will be ignored.

I100 Series - General Information

E100 Series - Import Errors

E200 Series - Function / Method Definition and Calling Errors

E300 Series - Variable / Definition Usage Errors

E400 Series - Syntax Errors

W100 Series - Exception Warning

W200 Series - Handling Warning

When deciding whether or not to include an error for reporting, Frosted uses the 99% approach as a yard stick. If it is agreed that 99% of the time (or more) that a pattern occurs it's an error, Frosted will report on it, if not it will not be added to the Frosted project.

Frosted Code API

Frosted exposes a simple API for checking Python code from withing other Python applications or plugins.

Additionally, you can use the command line tool in an API fashion, by passing '-' in as the filename and then sending file content to stdin.

Text Editor Integration

Integration with text editors and tools is a priority for the project. As such, any pull request that adds integration support or links to a third-party project that does will be enthusiastically accepted.

Current list of known supported text-editors:

Contributing to Frosted

Our preferred contributions come in the form of pull requests and issue reports. That said, we will not deny monetary contributions. If you desire to do this using flattr etc, please make sure you flattr @bitglue as he is the original creator of pyflakes and without his contribution Frosted would not be possible.

Why did you fork pyflakes?

Pyflakes was a great project, and introduced a great approach for quickly checking for Python coding errors. I am very grateful to the original creators. However, I feel over the last year it has become stagnant, without a clear vision and someone willing to take true ownership of the project. While I know it is in no way intentional, critical failures have stayed open, despite perfectly complete and valid pull-requests open, without so much as an acknowledgement from the maintainer. As I genuinely believe open source projects need constant improvement (releasing early and often), I decided to start this project and look for as much input as possible from the Python community. I'm hoping together we can build an even more awesome code checker!

Note: the maintainer of pyflakes has been added as a contributer to frosted.

Why Frosted?

Frosted is a homage to the original pyflakes creator Phil Frost.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy the new Frosted pyflakes!

~Timothy Crosley