


Transcript' allow you to transform audio into text using Deepgram API and Appwrite.

🧰 Tech Stack

🛠️ Setup

  1. Setup Appwrite 1.0
  2. Create project with ID transcript
  3. Use Appwrite CLI and run appwrite deploy collection --all and appwrite deploy function --all
  4. Create 2 buckets in Appwrite, add the full permission to role users and fill their IDs in .env (that you created from .env.example):
    • Audio (in VITE_AUDIO_BUCK_ID)
    • Transcript (in VITE_TRANSCRIPT_BUCK_ID)
  5. Fill the function variables :
    • For "Get Full Transcript" :
      • APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT : http://host.docker.internal/v1
      • APPWRITE_TRANSCRIPT_BUCKET_ID : with the Transcript bucket id
    • For "Transcript Audio" :
      • APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT : http://host.docker.internal/v1
      • APPWRITE_TRANSCRIPT_BUCKET_ID : with the Transcript bucket id
      • APPWRITE_FUNCTION_DEEPGRAM_KEY : with a Deepgram Api Key (for help see here)
  6. You're done !

🏠 Development

  1. Install dependencies yarn
  2. Start Vue server yarn dev

🚀 Production

Build project using yarn build

🖼️ Screenshots

<img src="./screenshots/home.png" alt="Home screenshot"/> <img src="./screenshots/login.png" alt="Login screenshot"/> <img src="./screenshots/create.png" alt="Create transcript screenshot"/> <img src="./screenshots/list.png" alt="List screenshot"/> <img src="./screenshots/single.png" alt="Single transcript screenshot"/>