

ActionScript 3 Cryptography Library

Seeking new maintainer(s)

Copyright (c) 2007 Henri Torgemane
Modifications (c) 2011-2013 Tim Kurvers and various other contributors

A cryptography library written in ActionScript 3 that provides several common algorithms. This version also introduces a TLS engine, more commonly known as SSL.

Licensed under the BSD license. Includes several derivative works from Java, C and JavaScript sources. See LICENSE for more information and a list of contributors.

Original & GitHub-fork

The original project can be found at http://code.google.com/p/as3crypto/

Although unofficial, this GitHub-fork includes community fixes and patches.

Consult the CHANGELOG for implemented fixes and contributors.


The binary can be found in /deploy/as3crypto.swc

Copy to your library folder, add it to your class-path and off you go.
