

Use GraalPy in a Java embedding with JBang

This repository makes it easy to create a JBang app that uses GraalPy & Java.

See our example graalpy.java for a template. You can use PIP comments to add packages. Native image builds should just work. Modify the main method to suit your use case, the other two classes in the file are just helpers that you should be able to ignore.

Simple example to get started

https://github.com/timfel/graalpy-jbang/blob/ad280678b60a15984f01f3dbcc796a3bb365e092/src/test/resources/graalpy.java#L1-L5 https://github.com/timfel/graalpy-jbang/blob/ad280678b60a15984f01f3dbcc796a3bb365e092/src/test/resources/graalpy.java#L48-L69

More interesting example "application"
