FTL Rust Demangler 🦀
FTL Rust Demangler is a command-line tool for demangling symbol names that are mangled with the Rust convention. It takes a mangled symbol name as input and returns the demangled name.
To build Rust Demangler, you'll need to have Rust installed on your system. Once you have Rust installed, you can use Cargo to build it
cargo build --release
To use Rust Demangler, simply run the tool with a mangled symbol name as an argument:
rs-dml first_symbol [second_symbol [...]]
rs-dml '_ZN59_$LT$core..fmt..Arguments$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$3fmt17h03d70cf32f8d87a3E'
This will output the demangled symbol name:
<core::fmt::Arguments as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
- add support for v0 symbols
- multiple builds for different os
- make it also a usable library
- simple unit testing
- add crate
FTL Rust Demangler is licensed under the GPL-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.