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Want to mess around with Kubernetes, but don't want to spend an ocean on hardware?

Maybe you need a ctlptl.

What is ctlptl?

ctlptl (pronounced "cattle patrol") is a CLI for declaratively setting up local Kubernetes clusters.

Inspired by kubectl and ClusterAPI's clusterctl, you declare your local cluster with YAML and use ctlptl to set it up.

How do I install it?

Install your cluster of choice: Docker for Desktop, Kind, k3d or Minikube. Then run:

Homebrew (Mac/Linux)

brew install tilt-dev/tap/ctlptl

Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add tilt-dev https://github.com/tilt-dev/scoop-bucket
scoop install ctlptl

Go install

go install github.com/tilt-dev/ctlptl/cmd/ctlptl@latest

Alternative Options

If automatic installers aren't your cup of tea, check out the installation appendix for more options.

How do I use it?

ctlptl supports 4 major commands:


Docker for Mac: Enable Kubernetes and set 4 CPU


ctlptl docker-desktop open
ctlptl create cluster docker-desktop --min-cpus=4

or ensure exists:

cat <<EOF | ctlptl apply -f -
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
product: docker-desktop
minCPUs: 4

Docker for Mac: Reset and shutdown Kubernetes

ctlptl delete cluster docker-desktop
ctlptl docker-desktop quit

KIND: with a built-in registry at a random port


ctlptl create cluster kind --registry=ctlptl-registry

or ensure exists:

cat <<EOF | ctlptl apply -f -
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
product: kind
registry: ctlptl-registry

Then fetch the URL to push images to with:

ctlptl get cluster kind-kind -o template --template '{{.status.localRegistryHosting.host}}'

KIND: with a built-in registry at a pre-determined port


ctlptl create registry ctlptl-registry --port=5005
ctlptl create cluster kind --registry=ctlptl-registry

or ensure exists:

cat <<EOF | ctlptl apply -f -
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Registry
name: ctlptl-registry
port: 5005
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
product: kind
registry: ctlptl-registry

K3D: with a built-in registry at a pre-determined port


ctlptl create registry ctlptl-registry --port=5005
ctlptl create cluster k3d --registry=ctlptl-registry

or ensure exists:

cat <<EOF | ctlptl apply -f -
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Registry
name: ctlptl-registry
port: 5005
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
product: k3d
registry: ctlptl-registry

Minikube: with a built-in registry at Kubernetes v1.18.8


ctlptl create cluster minikube --registry=ctlptl-registry --kubernetes-version=v1.18.8

or ensure exists:

cat <<EOF | ctlptl apply -f -
apiVersion: ctlptl.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Cluster
product: minikube
registry: ctlptl-registry
kubernetesVersion: v1.18.8

Docker for Mac: Limit to 1 CPU and Disable Kubernetes

ctlptl docker-desktop set vm.resources.cpus 1
ctlptl docker-desktop set kubernetes.enabled false


For more details, see:

Why did you make this?

At Tilt, we want to make Kubernetes a nice environment for local dev.

We found ourselves spending too much time helping teams debug misconfigurations in their dev environment.

We wrote docs like Choosing a local dev cluster and example repos like kind-local, minikube-local, and k3d-local to help people get set up.

ctlptl is a culmination of what we've learned.



Future Work


ctlptl is a work in progress!

We welcome contributions from the Kubernetes community to help make this better.

We expect everyone -- users, contributors, followers, and employees alike -- to abide by our Code of Conduct.




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Copyright 2022 Docker, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0