

TiKV Go Client

TiKV Go Client provides support for interacting with the TiKV server in the form of a Go library.

Stability Active Go Reference

Unit Test Integration Test Compatibility Test

Package versions

There are 2 major versions of the client-go package.


  # valid versions be like @latest, @e5f932ae270887550b0cd221343dbd6b870b6c8f, @v2.0.0, @v2.0.1...
  go get github.com/tikv/client-go/v2@COMMIT_HASH_OR_TAG_VERSION

Explanation of related concepts and sample code can be found in the Client-Go Wiki. There are also executable examples in examples directory.

Contributing to client-go

Pull Requests and issues are welcomed. Please check CONTRIBUTING.md.


Running Tests

Note: All the following tests are included in the CI and you can submit a Pull Request directly to hand over the work.

To run unit tests, use following command

go test ./...

To run code linter, make sure golangci-lint is installed. Then use following command

golangci-lint run

integration_tests can run against a real TiKV cluster. Here is an example:

./pd-server &
sleep 5
./tikv-server &
sleep 10
cd integration_tests
go test --with-tikv

Test with TiDB

It is a common task to update client-go and then test it with TiDB.

If you only need to test locally, you can directly use the modified client-go on the same host by replacing:

go mod edit -replace=github.com/tikv/client-go/v2=/path/to/client-go

If you want to push your TiDB code to GitHub for running CI or for code review, you need to change the client-go used by TiDB to your developing branch using the following steps:

go get -d github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/client-go/v2@DEV_BRANCH
# Output:
# go get: github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/client-go/v2@none updating to
#         github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/client-go/v2@v2.0.0-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX: parsing go.mod:
#         module declares its path as: github.com/tikv/client-go/v2
#                 but was required as: github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/client-go/v2
go mod edit -replace=github.com/tikv/client-go/v2=github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/client-go/v2@v2.0.0-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
go mod download github.com/tikv/client-go/v2

Used By

client-go is used by the following projects:


Apache License 2.0