


OpenCore configs for Lenovo Thinkpad S1/Yoga 12

Note that I included 2 EFIs, for USB I disabled secure boot and add a force kext injection to IO80211Family to make AirportItlwm works without Secure Boot. You can use the EFI for USB for your main drive EFI but I don't really recommend it because it will breaks compatibility in the future update.<br> Explanation can be found here (navigate to "More info on enabling AirportItlwm")

Currently tested under macOS Catalina 10.15.7

<h3>My current specifications</h3> <h3>What's working?</h3>

Since I'm running Catalina I picked up AirportItlwm for Catalina, if you're planning to install other than Catalina (e.g. Big Sur) please replace AirportItlwm.kext under /EFI/OC/Kexts with a designated macOS version.

Keyboard brightness stages can't be recognized. To fix Mute LED switch open System Prefs > YogaSMCPane > Think > LED Automation > MuteLEDFixup (check). I'm currently working on this.

<h3>What's not working or partially working?</h3> <h3>Untested</h3> <h3>Small notes!</h3>