

Dock Layout for React Component

Popup panel as new browser window

Dark Theme



import DockLayout from 'rc-dock'
import "rc-dock/dist/rc-dock.css";


defaultLayout = {
  dockbox: {
    mode: 'horizontal',
    children: [
        tabs: [
          {id: 'tab1', title: 'tab1', content: <div>Hello World</div>}

render() {
  return (
        position: "absolute",
        left: 10,
        top: 10,
        right: 10,
        bottom: 10,


LayoutData 🗎

dockboxBoxDatamain dock boxempty BoxData
floatboxBoxDatamain float box, children can only be PanelDataempty BoxData

BoxData 🗎

a box is the layout element that contains other boxes or panels

mode'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'float'layout mode of the box
children(BoxData | PanelData)[]children boxes or panelsrequired

PanelData 🗎

a panel is a visiaul container with tabs button in the title bar

tabsTabData[]children tabsrequired
panelLockPanelLockaddition information of a panel, this prevents the panel from being removed when there is no tab inside, a locked panel can not be moved to float layer either

TabData 🗎

idstringunique idrequired
titlestring | ReactElementtab titlerequired
contentReactElement | (tab: TabData) => ReactElementtab contentrequired
closableboolwhether tab can be closedfalse
groupstringtabs with different tab group can not be put in same panel, more options for the group can be defined as TabGroup in DefaultLayout.groups

DockLayout API

get the ref of the DockLayout component to use the following API

saveLayout 🗎

save layout

saveLayout(): SavedLayout 

loadLayout 🗎

load layout

 loadLayout(savedLayout: SavedLayout): void

dockMove 🗎

move a tab or a panel, if source is already in the layout, you can use the find method to get it with id first

dockMove(source: TabData | PanelData, target: string | TabData | PanelData | BoxData, direction: DropDirection): void;

find 🗎

find PanelData or TabData by id

find(id: string): PanelData | TabData;

updateTab 🗎

update a tab with new TabData

returns false if the tab is not found

updateTab(id: string, newTab: TabData): boolean;