


NOTE: ghdecoy is no longer actively maintained!
Its successor is impost0r which addresses several of the shortcomings of ghdecoy (e.g. Windows support, more 'human looking' contribution data, ...).

ghdecoy is a tool to vandali^H optimize the github contributions calendar. It is inspired by gitfiti but with a different use case in mind.

ghdecoy allows you to create a git repository containing commits crafted in way so that when it is pushed to github periods in the contribution calendar containing no commits will be filled with a random pattern so your account looks sufficiently active.


There are some demo repositories at ttn-dcy where you can see what ghdecoy can do for you.


ghdecoy.py only requires a working installation of python 2.7. No additional packages are required.

Supported Operating Systems

ghdecoy is developed and tested on Linux.
MacOS is not officially supported but should work.
Windows is currently not supported.


ghdecoy.py can be run as is from the repository.
If desired it can also be installed using the standard python install command:

python setup.py install


ghdecoy.py will create a git repository containing fake commits. The default name for the repository is 'decoy' and by default it will be located under '/tmp'. Those values can be overridden by command line arguments. Use the '--help' argument for more detailed information.

When running the script you will typically only have to provide your github username and the way ghdecoy is supposed to fill your graph. Currently the following two modes are supported:


python ghdecoy.py -u tickelton append