

angular-busy2 Live Demo

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Show busy/loading indicators on Observable, Subscription, Promise, Boolean, Number

For AngularJS 1 branch 1.x

Getting Started

Install with npm.

npm install angular-busy2 --save

Add CgBusyModule as a module dependency for your module.

You have to import it with forRoot in any module where you want to provide CgBusyDefaults.

Usually you do that in your root module (app.module).

If you never import it with forRoot CgBusyDefaults will always be undefined.

forRoot takes optional CgBusyOptions as parameter.

For every omitted option in the supplied CgBusyOptions the libraries default value will be used.

import { CgBusyModule } from 'angular-busy2';

  imports: [
      backdrop: true
    }) //import it with .forRoot in your root module. provide some optional Options.

In every shared module/sub module you should import CgBusyModule without forRoot unless you want to provide a different instance of CgBusyDefaults

Standalone import directive

import { CgBusyDirective } from 'angular-busy2';

  standalone: true,
  imports: [CgBusyDirective],
  // ...

// main.ts if you bootstrap application
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
    // ...
}).catch(err => console.log(err));


The [cgBusy] directive expects any Observable, Subscription, Promise, Boolean, Number and optional [cgBusyConfig] configuration object.

In other words. You may do this:

<div [cgBusy]="promise"></div>

or this:

<div [cgBusy]="promise"
     [cgBusyConfig]="{templateRef: customTemplate, message:message, backdrop:backdrop, delay:delay, minDuration:minDuration}"></div>

Overriding Defaults

The default values for message, backdrop, templateRef, delay, and minDuration may all be overridden by overriding the CgBusyDefaults, like so:

import { CgBusyDefaults } from 'angular-busy2';

class AppComponent {
  private customTemplateTpl: TemplateRef<any>;

  constructor(private busyDefaults: CgBusyDefaults) {
    this.busyDefaults.delay = 5000;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.busyDefaults.templateRef = this.customTemplateTpl;

<ng-template #customTemplate let-options="options">
  <div class="custom-template">
    <div class="custom-message" [innerHtml]="options.message"></div>

Only the values you'd like overridden need to be specified.

Fork from original angular-busy (cgBusy) https://github.com/cgross/angular-busy