

Project Description

GUI to enable Loopback Exemptions for Universal Windows Apps and Windows 8 Modern UI Apps

By default, Windows Modern UI and Universal Apps are forbidden to send network traffic to the local Computer. In order to debug Apps with a tool, we need to enable Loopback capabilities for those Apps. This tool enables the management of the Apps that can connect to the local Computer.

More information about this topic

Network Isolation APIs

Check the source code of this project on a sample usage of the Network Isolation APIs : NetworkIsolationEnumAppContainers NetworkIsolationFreeAppContainers NetworkIsolationGetAppContainerConfig NetworkIsolationSetAppContainerConfig

Loopback Exemption Manager

This tool does basically the same thing as Fiddler EnableLoopback Utility available here

Thanks to Eric Lawrence for helping with the PInvokes.

Project migrated from https://loopback.codeplex.com/ (May 2017).