

<div style="text-align: center;"> <h1><img src="assets/logo.png" height="28px" /> Tool Learning Papers </h1> </div>

Must-read papers on tool learning with foundation models. We also made some slides about tool learning.


Why Tool Learning?

Humans possess an extraordinary ability to create and utilize tools, allowing them to overcome physical limitations and explore new frontiers. With the advent of foundation models, AI systems have the potential to be equally adept in tool use as humans. This paradigm, i.e., tool learning with foundation models, combines the strengths of specialized tools and foundation models to achieve enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and automation in problem-solving. Despite its immense potential, there is still a lack of a comprehensive understanding of key challenges, opportunities, and future endeavors in this field. The field of tool learning is developing fast with many works being proposed lately. To make these works more accessible, we have created this repository with a list of resources related to tool learning, hoping to facilitate the development of this area.

Keywords Convention

The abbreviation of the work.

The utilized tool in the work.

Other important information of the work.



Tool-augmented Learning

Tool-oriented Learning

Applications and Toolkit


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