

<div align="center"> <img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2022/02/14/Hy7lAf.png" width="350px">

An Open-Source Framework for Parameter-Efficient Tuning (Delta Tuning).

<p align="center"> <a href="#Overview">Overview</a> • <a href="#installation">Installation</a> • <a href="https://opendelta.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/usage.html">Basic Usage</a> • <a href="https://opendelta.readthedocs.io/">Docs</a> • <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BIVa8ocAPga-u7rBOXLYaTfaJSjI1dWfwohmLjmFDrY/edit?usp=sharing">Performance</a> • </p> </div>



OpenDelta is a toolkit for parameter-efficient tuning methods (we dub it as delta tuning), by which users could flexibly assign (or add) a small amount parameters to update while keeping the most parameters frozen. By using OpenDelta, users could easily implement prefix-tuning, adapters, Lora, or any other types of delta tuning with preferred PTMs.



  1. create a virtualenv (optional)
conda create -n opendelta_env python=3.8
conda activate opendelta_env
  1. install the latest version
pip install git+https://github.com/thunlp/OpenDelta.git

or install the latest pip version (more stable)

pip install opendelta

or build from source

git clone git@github.com:thunlp/OpenDelta.git
cd OpenDelta
python setup.py install
# python setup.py develop # if you want to do some modifications on the code for your research:

Must Try

The following codes and comments walk you through the key functionality of OpenDelta. It is also in must_try.py and must_try.ipynb in Colab.

# use transformers as usual.
from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer
t5 = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("t5-large")
t5_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-large")
# A running example
inputs_ids = t5_tokenizer.encode("Is Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling", return_tensors="pt")
# >>> '<pad><extra_id_0>? Is it Harry Potter?</s>'

# use existing delta models
from opendelta import AutoDeltaModel, AutoDeltaConfig
# use existing delta models from DeltaCenter
delta = AutoDeltaModel.from_finetuned("thunlp/Spelling_Correction_T5_LRAdapter_demo", backbone_model=t5)
# freeze the whole backbone model except the delta models.
# visualize the change

# >>> <pad> Is Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling?</s>

# Now save merely the delta models, not the whole backbone model, to tmp/
import os; os.listdir(".tmp")
# >>>  The state dict size is 1.443 MB
# >>>  We encourage users to push their final and public models to delta center to share them with the community!

# reload the model from local url and add it to pre-trained T5.
t5 = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("t5-large")
delta1 = AutoDeltaModel.from_finetuned(".tmp", backbone_model=t5)
import shutil; shutil.rmtree(".tmp") # don't forget to remove the tmp files. 
# >>> <pad> Is Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling?</s>

# detach the delta models, the model returns to the unmodified status.
# >>> '<pad><extra_id_0>? Is it Harry Potter?</s>'

# use default configuration for customized wrapped models which have PLMs inside. This is a common need for users. 
import torch.nn as nn
class WrappedModel(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, inner_model):
    self.inner = inner_model
  def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self.inner(*args, **kwargs)

wrapped_model = WrappedModel(WrappedModel(t5))

# say we use LoRA
delta_config = AutoDeltaConfig.from_dict({"delta_type":"lora"})
delta2 = AutoDeltaModel.from_config(delta_config, backbone_model=wrapped_model)
# >>> root
#       -- inner
#          -- inner
#             ...
#             ... lora_A:[8,1024], lora_B:[1024,8]

# use a not default configuration
# say we add lora to the last four layer of the decoder of t5, with lora rank=5
delta_config3 = AutoDeltaConfig.from_dict({"delta_type":"lora", "modified_modules":["[r]decoder.*((20)|(21)|(22)|(23)).*DenseReluDense\.wi"], "lora_r":5})
delta3 = AutoDeltaModel.from_config(delta_config3, backbone_model=wrapped_model)

Verified Default Configurations


  title={OpenDelta: A Plug-and-play Library for Parameter-efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Models},
  author={Hu, Shengding and Ding, Ning and Zhao, Weilin and Lv, Xingtai and Zhang, Zhen and Liu, Zhiyuan and Sun, Maosong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.03084},
  title={Delta tuning: A comprehensive study of parameter efficient methods for pre-trained language models},
  author={Ding, Ning and Qin, Yujia and Yang, Guang and Wei, Fuchao and Yang, Zonghan and Su, Yusheng and Hu, Shengding and Chen, Yulin and Chan, Chi-Min and Chen, Weize and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.06904},