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algorithms for large-scale matrix factorization

Many common matrix factorization algorithms can benefit from parallelization. This package provides distributed implementations of PCA, ICA, NMF, and others that target the distributed computing engine spark. It also wraps local implementations from scikit-learn, to support factorization in both a local and distributed setting with a common API.

The package includes a collection of algorithms that can be fit to data, all of which return matrices with the results of the factorization. Compatible with Python 2.7+ and 3.4+. Built on numpy, scipy, and scikit-learn. Works well alongside thunder and supprts parallelization via spark, but can also be used on local numpy arrays.


Use pip

pip install thunder-factorization


Here's an example computing PCA

# create high-dimensional low-rank matrix

from sklearn.datasets import make_low_rank_matrix
X = make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples=100, n_features=100, effective_rank=5)

# use PCA to recover low-rank structure

from factorization import PCA
algorithm = PCA(k=5)
T, W_T = algorithm.fit(X)


All algorithms have a fit method with fits the algorithm and returns the components of the factorization.

fit(X, return_parallel=False)




Here are all the available algorithms with their options.

S, A = ICA(k=3, k_pca=None, svd_method='auto', max_iter=10, tol=0.000001, seed=None).fit(X)

Factors the matrix into statistically independent sources X = S * A. Note: it is the columns of S that represent the independent sources, linear combinations of which reconstruct the columns of X.



W, H = NMF(k=5, max_iter=20, tol=0.001, seed=None).fit(X)

Factors a non-negative matrix as the product of two small non-negative matrices X = W * H.



T, W = PCA(k=3, svd_method='auto', max_iter=20, tol=0.00001, seed=None).fit(X)

Performs dimensionality reduction by finding an ordered set of components formed by an orthogonal projection that successively explain the maximum amount of remaining variance T = X * W^T



U, S, V = SVD(k=3, method="auto", max_iter=20, tol=0.00001, seed=None).fit(X)

Generalization of the eigen-decomposition for non-square matrices X = U * diag(S) * V.



input shape

All numpy array and bolt array inputs to factorization algorithms must be two-dimensional. Thunder images and series can also be factored, even though they technically have more than two dimensions, because in each case one dimension is treated as primary. For images, each image will be flattened, creating a two-dimensional matrix with shape (key,pixels), and for series, the keys will be flattened, creating a two-dimensional matrix with shape (key,time). After facorization, outputs will be reshaped back to their original form.


Run tests with


Tests run locally with numpy by default, but the same tests can be run against a local spark installation using

py.test --engine=spark