

NeuralEF: Deconstructing Kernels by Deep Neural Networks

Code for the paper NeuralEF: Deconstructing Kernels by Deep Neural Networks.

Environment settings and libraries we used in our experiments

This project is tested under the following environment settings:


Cope with RBF and polynomial kernels

python neuralef-classic-kernels.py

Cope with NN-GP kernels on Circles/Two moon

python neuralef-toy-nngpkernels.py

Cope with CNN-GP kernels on MNIST

python neuralef-mnist-cnngpkernels.py

Cope with NTKs on CIFAR-10

Estimate the eigenfunctions of the NTK corresponding to a binary classifier

python neuralef-cifar-ntks.py --nef-amp --classes 0 1 --ood-classes 8 9 \
                              --resume path/to/pretrained

Leverage NeuralEF to accelerate linearized Laplace approximation

python neuralef-cifar-ntks.py --nef-amp --ntk-std-scale 20

Leverage NeuralEF to approximate the implicit kernel induced by SGD trajectory

python neuralef-cifar-sgd-trajectory.py --data-dir path/to/data \
                                        --nef-amp --nef-class-cond --swa-lr 0.1 \
                                        --pre-trained-dir path/to/pretrained

Giving Credit

If you use this code in your work, we ask that you cite the paper.


The implementation of the baselines is based on SWAG and SpIN.