

Quest Audio Patcher

This application can patch Android Apps to add the neccessary permissions to play audio in the background on Oculus Quest Devices.

This is an experimental piece of software. Not all apps can be patched correctly, some may have issues even if they are, and your success my vary based on the target app's version.


Download and install the latest version from Releases. This app may come to sidequest in the near future.

Quest 1 - ❌ Patcher works, but system kills background apps

Quest 2 - ✔️ Tested working, though there may be some issues

Quest 3 - ❔ Should work, but it's better to just enable "Background Audio Playback" in experimental features


  1. Install the app you would like to patch onto your Quest
  2. Select the app you wish to modify from the "Apps" list
  3. Wait for the app to be automatically be patched. This has a few steps and may take a while for larger apps.
  4. Uninstall the original app when prompted. WARNING: That app's current data may be permanently lost!
  5. If you are asked to let the patcher install unknown apps, go to settings and allow it. Then press back to return.
  6. Install the modified application as prompted!

Use common sense and only patch applications which would benefit from background audio.


Many apps have issues running natively on the Quest. This patcher will not fix them.

Here are a few relevant apps I have tested:

These issues are not specific to the patcher, and this is by no means a comprehensive list

This project is heavily based on Apk Explorer & Editor. Code from AEE is used under GPLv3.