

HTML Beautifier

A normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby. Ideal for tidying up Rails templates.

What it does


From the command line

To update files in-place:

$ htmlbeautifier file1.html.erb [file2.html.erb ...]

or to operate on standard input and output:

$ htmlbeautifier < untidy.html.erb > formatted.html.erb

In your code

require 'htmlbeautifier'

beautiful = HtmlBeautifier.beautify(untify_html_string)

You can also specify how to indent (the default is two spaces):

beautiful = HtmlBeautifier.beautify(untidy_html_string, indent: "\t")


This is a Ruby gem. To install the command-line tool (you may need sudo):

$ gem install htmlbeautifier

To use the gem with Bundler, add to your Gemfile:

gem 'htmlbeautifier'


  1. Follow these guidelines when writing commit messages (briefly, the first line should begin with a capital letter, use the imperative mood, be no more than 50 characters, and not end with a period).
  2. Include tests.