


vpnnotify is a tool that will send a user a slack message when they connect to a VPN session. The goal of this tool is to let people know when connections are initiated on their behalf -- with the goal being that if a connection occurs without the user knowing, they could contact their CIRT.

vpnnotify builds off of the support OpenVPN has for a client connect script. This script will run when a client successfully connects to the VPN. OpenVPN exposes several environment variables for the script it runs to use. The ones vpnnotify currently uses are common_name (the login name) and untrusted_ip (the IP of the connection).

There are many improvements that could be made to vpnnotify -- as it is, we know that this is fairly environment specific. We open sourced in hopes that we could help level up other security operations teams and make another tool that would contribute to the community.


In order to use vpnnotify you'll need to have the following:

slackUser Object Class

This adds a SlackName attribute to a record. If you use OpenLDAP with LDIF configuration, this schema LDIF will work:

dn: cn=slackuser,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: slackuser
olcAttributeTypes: ( NAME 'slackName' DESC 'Slack
  at-name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'slackUser' DESC 'Slack
  User' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST (slackName) )

Building and Installing

Building vpnnotify is as easy as running go build. You could use FPM to make it into a package that could install to /usr/bin, if you wanted.


vpnnotify uses a configuration file which is, by default, in /etc/vpnnotify.json. You can override this with the VPNNOTIFY_CONFIG environment variable.

Example Configuration

Here's a sample configuration file:

  "GeoIPEnabled": true,
  "GeoIPPath": "/opt/GeoLite2-City_20170502/GeoLite2-City.mmdb",
  "LDAPBaseDN": "dc=cool,dc=io",
  "LDAPPort": 389,
  "LDAPServer": "ldap.cool.io",
  "LDAPSkipVerify": false,
  "LDAPUserAttrib": "uid",
  "RedisDB": 0,
  "RedisPassword": "seCretsRc00l",
  "RedisPort": 6379,
  "RedisServer": "redis.cool.io",
  "RedisTLS": true,
  "RenotifyTime": 7200,
  "SlackKey": "xozz-blah-moreblah",
  "TemplatePath": "/etc/vpnnotify.msg"

Configuration Attributes

VariableTypePurposePossible Value
GeoIPEnabledBoolWhether to use GeoIP. Consult their license terms.true, false
GeoIPPathStringPath to the GeoIP MMDB file/opt/cooldb.mmdb
LDAPBaseDNStringBase DN for your LDAP serverdc=cool,dc=io
LDAPPortIntPort for the LDAP server (must use StartTLS)389
LDAPServerStringFQDN for LDAP server (must use StartTLS)ldap.cool.io
LDAPSkipVerifyBoolWhether to check the TLS certificate (for testing only!)false (you should keep it false)
LDAPUserAttribStringThe attribute by which to look up usersuid
RedisDBIntThe database number to use0
RedisPasswordStringA password for Redissecret
RedisPortIntA port for Redis6379
RedisServerStringFQDN for the Redis Serverredis.cool.io
RedisTLSBoolAttempt to talk to Redis using TLStrue, false
RenotifyTimeIntNumber of seconds to not renotify a user if from same IP7200
SlackKeyStringThe key for Slackxozz-...
TemplatePathStringA path to a go template file/etc/vpnnotify.msg

The Template

This is where you actually put the message that will be sent via Slack. Here's a sample message template:

You just started a VPN session into *{{.Env}}* from {{.IP}}{{if eq .GeoIP true}} ({{if ne .City ""}}{{.City}}, {{end}}{{if ne .State ""}}{{.State}},{{end}}{{if ne .Country ""}} {{.Country}}{{end}}){{end}}. If this wasn't you, please reach out to ops immediately.

There aren't a lot of variables to use in the template. Here's what is available right now:

EnvStringThe environment the person logged into (dev/prod/???)
IPStringThe connecting IP address
GeoIPBoolIf GeoIP is enabled
CityStringGeoIP: City
CountryStringGeoIP: Country
StateStringGeoIP: State or other municipal division

Configuring OpenVPN

Set client-connect = /path/to/vpnnotify in your OpenVPN config. That's it.


You can run vpnnotify locally. On the command line, run VPNNOTIFY_CONFIG=./vpnnotify.json common_name=username untrusted_ip= ./vpnnotify which will simulate username logging into the VPN from

When you test, you may want to set RenotifyTime shorter, depending on what you're testing.


There are a few things we know could use some improvement:

How to Contribute

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If you are signing as an individual, we recommend that you talk to your employer (if applicable) before signing the CLA since some employment agreements may have restrictions on your contributions to other projects. Otherwise by submitting a CLA you represent that you are legally entitled to grant the licenses recited therein.

If your employer has rights to intellectual property that you create, such as your contributions, you represent that you have received permission to make contributions on behalf of that employer, that your employer has waived such rights for your contributions, or that your employer has executed a separate CLA with F5.

If you are signing on behalf of a company, you represent that you are legally entitled to grant the license recited therein. You represent further that each employee of the entity that submits contributions is authorized to submit such contributions on behalf of the entity pursuant to the CLA.