


This action wraps https://github.com/threatcl/threatcl, the threat modelling with HCL tool, and allows practitioners to easily generate Dashboards, or validate threatcl threat model files with GitHub Actions.

Usage Examples

Automatically validate threatcl spec HCL files

This example workflow will kick off for any push or pull requests, and will validate all .hcl files in the hcl-files folder.

name: threatcl validate

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: threatcl validate
        uses: threatcl/threatcl-action@v0.0.2
          command: 'validate'
          files: './hcl-files/*'

You can see a working example of this workflow at threatcl-actions-example.

Generate a Dashboard and re-commit it to the repo

This example workflow will kick off any pushes to the main branch, and will also run the validation first. It will then commit back to the repo.

name: threatcl dashboard

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: threatcl validate
        uses: threatcl/threatcl-action@v0.0.2
          command: 'validate'
          files: './hcl-files/*'
      - name: threatcl dashboard
        uses: threatcl/threatcl-action@v0.0.2
          command: 'dashboard'
          files: './hcl-files/*'
          outdir: './dashboard'
      - name: Commit dashboard
        run: |
          git config --global user.name "threatcl Git Action"
          git config --global user.email "yourname@users.noreply.github.com"
          git add ./dashboard
          git commit -m "Automated updated dashboard"
          git push

You can see a working example of this workflow at threatcl-actions-example.

Generate DFD files

This example workflow will kick off any pushes to the main branch, but will not re-write back to the repo.

name: threatcl dfd

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: threatcl DFD
        uses: threatcl/threatcl-action@v0.0.2
          command: 'dfd'
          files: './hcl-files/*'
          outdir: './dfd'

You can see a working example of this workflow at threatcl-actions-example.

Export JSON files

This example workflow will kick off any pushes to the main branch, but will not re-write back to the repo. OTM formatted JSON file will be written to ./output/tm.json

name: threatcl export

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: threatcl export
        uses: threatcl/threatcl-action@v0.0.2
          command: 'export'
          files: './hcl-files/*'
          export-format: 'otm'
          export-output: './output/tm.json'

You can see a working example of this workflow at threatcl-actions-example.

Supported Parameters

commandThis is the threatcl command to execute. Needs to be validate, dashboard, export, or dfdvalidateY
filesThis is the location of files in the repo to parse with threatcl*Y
outdirFor the dashboard or dfd mode, this is required, and is where the generated output will be writtenN
outextFor the dashboard mode, allows you to specify the extension of generated filesN
dashboard-templateFor the dashboard mode, allows you to specify a dashboard template fileN
dashboard-filenameFor the dashboard mode, allows you to specify a dashboard filenameN
dashboard-htmlFor the dashboard mode, allows you to specify whether the output is html. Needs to be true or falsefalseN
threatmodel-templateFor the dashboard mode, allows you to specify a threatmodel template fileN
dfd-typeFor the dfd mode, allows you to set the output type. Needs to be png, svg, or dotpngN
export-formatFor the export mode, allows you to set the export format. Needs to be json, hcl, or otmjsonN
export-outputFor the export mode, allows you to set where the exported file is saved.N

Event Triggers

The GitHub Actions framework allows you to trigger this (and other) actions on many combinations of events. Read through Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions for ideas and advanced examples.


The latest updates will always be tagged latest. See CHANGELOG.md for previous releases. The current version is:

- uses: threatcl/threatcl-action:v0.0.2


There are a few steps involved in updating the github action.

After you've updated any contents in the Dockerfile or entrypoint.sh, you'll need to re-build the image, and push it to Docker hub. To do this:

  1. Update the VERSION in the Makefile and the image tag in the Dockerfile < particularly if this is for a new threatcl version
  2. Merge this into main and see if the pre-release action runs. The image should be built correctly, but not pushed into ghcr.
  3. Update the image docker version referenced in action.yml
  4. Update the CHANGELOG.md
  5. Update the version number references and examples in the README.md
  6. Git push these updates to main branch as well
  7. Tag the repo with the new version: $ git tag -a v0.0.x -m 'v0.0.x' && git push origin --tags
  8. This should run the release action, which should build and push the image into ghcr
  9. (I don't think we need to do this anymore ) Tag the repo with the latest tag: $ git tag -f latest && git push --force origin latest
  10. Make sure you update the examples in https://github.com/threatcl/threatcl-action-example


The source code for this project is released under the MIT License. This project is not associated with GitHub.