

Radar data generation with Probabilistic Diffusion Models (PDMs)

Python 3.11 Pytorch 2.0 License MIT

This repository is the codebase for Diffusion Models for Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar, by Tuel, Kerdreux et al..

The code was adapted from https://github.com/openai/improved-diffusion to provide a simple, plug-and-play option to apply and test Probabilistic Diffusion Models (PDMs) for image generation specifically in the context of Radar Satellite imagery (SAR or InSAR).

Creators and Maintainers

This code has been created by Thomas Kerdreux and Alexandre Tuel at Geolabe LLC.


This directory provides a simple and versatile code to apply Probabilistic Diffusion Models (PDMs) to the challenge of satellite image generation. It is coded in https://pytorch.org/.

We provide several Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-based datasets and the corresponding trained PDMs for use in this codebase (in this Zenodo repository). You can also use the code to train your own model on different datasets.

What you need to do to run the code smoothly:

For superresolution models, you need to first train a low-resolution model with example_train_lowres.py and then a superresolution model with example_train_superres.py. See also paragraph Available trained models to download pretrained low-resolution and superresolution models for SAR. Then use example_sample.py to sample from the low-resolution model and save samples as .npz files, and then example_sample_superres.py to sample from the superresolution model, conditioned on the low-resolution samples.


You can install the required environment for this codebase via conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate PDM_SAR_InSAR_generation

The code was independently tested on a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 and a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090.


See the dataset description for more information and instructions on how to download some of the datasets. We recommend to first download all the datasets described in this README.

The code can currently handle two types of data: image files (readable by PIL.Image, like *.png, *.jpg, etc.) and HDF5 files (readable by h5py).

If you are not familiar with HDF5 files and how to process them in Python, you can take a look at this website (last accessed August 7, 2023) and the h5py python package documentation.

Available trained models

We provide 6 trained models at the following Zenodo link. Each .zip file contains the model weights (in *.pt format) and the model metadata file (in *.json format).

wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/mnist_32_cond_sigma_100.zip?download=1 -O models_data/mnist_32_cond_sigma_100.zip
unzip models_data/mnist_32_cond_sigma_100.zip -d models_data/
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/mnist_32_no_cond_sigma_100.zip?download=1 -O models_data/mnist_32_no_cond_sigma_100.zip
unzip models_data/mnist_32_no_cond_sigma_100.zip -d models_data/
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/SAR_lowres_128_cond_sigma_2000.zip?download=1 -O models_data/SAR_lowres_128_cond_sigma_2000.zip
unzip models_data/SAR_lowres_128_cond_sigma_2000.zip -d models_data/
python example_sample.py
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/SAR_superres_128_to_256_cond_sigma_2000.zip?download=1 -O models_data/SAR_superres_128_to_256_cond_sigma_2000.zip
unzip models_data/SAR_superres_128_to_256_cond_sigma_2000.zip -d models_data/
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/insar_phase_128_sigma_2000.zip?download=1 -O models_data/insar_phase_128_sigma_2000.zip
unzip models_data/insar_phase_128_sigma_2000.zip -d models_data/
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8222779/files/insar_noise_32_sigma_1000.zip?download=1 -O models_data/insar_noise_32_sigma_1000.zip
unzip models_data/insar_noise_32_sigma_1000.zip


The script to use to train the model is example_train.py. The main() functions takes all required parameters as input, including model hyperparameters. The full list of parameters is described in train.py. Hyperparameters can be divided into three groups: UNet model architecture, diffusion process, and training parameters.

Important Unet model architecture parameters include:

Important diffusion process parameters include:

Important training parameters include:

If compute_val=True, because the VLB/MSE loss can take a long time to compute if the input data or the number of diffusion timesteps are large, you may prefer to restrict loss calculation to a pre-defined number of initial timesteps with the subset_timesteps option (the VLB loss is indeed dominated by the terms corresponding to the first few timesteps, see Nichol and Dhariwal (2021)).

Models are periodically saved to .pt files in a user-specified model folder (url_folder_experiment):

Optimiser state is also saved as opt***.pt to resume training from model checkpoint. Models can be saved at the end of each epoch or within each epoch at a pre-defined interval of time steps (save_interval).

Model training can be monitored with the tensorboard package by calling tensorboard --logdir url_model_folder from a terminal and opening the resulting link in a browser.


The script to use to sample from a model is example_sample.py. All you need to do is to give a valid model path (model_path), the number of sampling diffusion steps (diffusion_steps) and the number of samples (num_samples). For class-conditional models, you can specify which class you would like to sample from (with the sample_class option).

It is also possible to use DDIM for faster sampling by setting use_ddim=True. The script sample_DPM.py also allows you to apply the DPM solver of Lu et al. (2022).

Use the script example_time_comparison_DPM_MNIST.py to compare the various parameters of the DPM sampling approach in terms of FID or Improved Precision and Recall. Note that it is very sensible to the feature extractor used to compute the various metrics.

For superresolution models, use example_sample_superres.py

Evaluation of model performance

We also provide scripts to evaluate the performance of a model against a given dataset.

utils_FID.py allows to compute the classic FID, as well as the improved Precision and Recall metrics introduced by Kynkäänniemi et al. (2019). FID is here calculated by computing the Fréchet distance between two Gaussians fitted to the distributions of feature representations of a pre-trained InceptionV3 classifier (or VGG) network, fine-tuned on SAR scenes from the TenGeoP-SARwv dataset, see the script example_fine_tuning.py.

model_likelihood.py calculates the Variational Lower Bound likelihood of a given PDM on a dataset.

utils/utils_semivariogram.py allows to calculate and plot semivariograms on real and generated datasets of images, saved as HDF5 files.

example_time_comparison_DPM_MNIST.py allows comparing various metrics on an MNIST generation task when varying the parameters of the DPM sampling approach. One can adapt the scripts sample_time_comparison.py and sample_DPM.py to perform various kinds of time comparisons of sampling approaches.


All material except is made available under the MIT license.

The present code was adapted from the improved-diffusion codebase by Nichol and Dhariwal, licensed under the MIT License.

The code to calculate FID was adapted from the Pytorch implementation by Seitzer et al. (2020), licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

The code to calculate the improved Precision and Recall scores was adapted from the Pytorch implementation by Youngjung Uh of the algorithm introduced by Kynkäänniemi et al. (2019), licensed under the MIT license.

The code to perform the fast ODE sampling (i.e., the DPM solver) was adapted from the Pytorch impplementation of Lu et al. (2022), licensed under the MIT License.


The funding for this work was provided through a NASA NSPIRES grant (number 80NSSC22K1282).


When using our code, please cite our corresponding paper as follows:

  author    = {Alexandre Tuel and Thomas Kerdreux and Claudia Hulbert and Bertrand Rouet-Leduc},
  title     = {{Diffusion Models for Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar}},
  year      = {2023},
  doi       = {10.48550/arXiv.2308.16847},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2308.16847}