

readline-vim build status

Adds vim bindings to nodejs readline.


npm install readline-vim


Repl Example:

var rlv = require('readline-vim')
  , repl = require('repl');

var r = repl.start({
    prompt: "vim repl > ",
    input: process.stdin,
    output: process.stdout

// pass the readline component of the repl in order to add vim bindings to it
var vim = rlv(r.rli)
  , map = vim.map;

// Add mappings

// [insert mode] allow switching to normal mode by typing 'jk' quickly 
map.insert('jk', 'esc');

// [insert mode] go backward in history via 'ctrl-k' 
map.insert('ctrl-k', 'ctrl-p');

// [insert mode] go backward in history via 'ctrl-k' 
map.insert('ctrl-space', 'ctrl-n');

// [normal mode] go backward in history via space bar
map.normal('space', 'k');

// [normal mode] go forward in history via space bar when ctrl is pressed 
map.normal('ctrl-space', 'j');

Run it via: npm run demo

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Vim Bindings

A subset of vim keybindings is supported by readline-vim:

Insert Mode

Normal Mode


Movements combined with Actions




Immediate Mappings

Immediate mappings execute immediately whe a key (possibly with modifiers) is pressed.

They can be applied in insert and normal mode.

Assuming we defined vim and map as outlined in the usage examle.

// emit [esc] when [ctrl-space] is pressed to switch to normal mode
map.insert('ctrl-space', 'esc');

// emit [k] when [space] is pressed to go backward in history
map.normal('space', 'k');

Sequence Mappings

Sequence mappings are a number of keys without modifiers pressed quickly after another.

They can be applied to insert mode only.

Assuming we defined vim and map as outlined in the usage examle.

// map [jk] pressed in quick succession to [esc] to switch to normal mode
map.insert('jk', 'esc');

The interval allowed between keys in order to count as a sequence can be configured by setting vim.threshold, the default is 200 milliseconds.

Inspecting Mappings

You can inspect your mappings by navigating/printing the vim.map.mappings object.


The following events are emitted to allow reacting to state changes:

These events are exposed via vim.events, so to subscribe to normal mode changes you would do:

vim.events.on('normal', function () {
  // do something here to react

Forcing the Readline into a Mode

You can cause the readline to change to a particular mode and pass a Boolean to indicate if that mode change should be kept a secret (i.e. no event is emitted).

vim.forceInsert();      // changes mode to insert and emits 'insert' event
vim.forceNormal(true);  // changes mode to normal, but emits no event
