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Converts output of various profiling/sampling tools to the .cpuprofile format so it can be loaded into Chrome DevTools.


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npm install -g cpuprofilify


cpuprofilify installs two binary scripts:

Use the perf record and perf script commands on Linux to generate input to cpuprofilify and the provided profile_1ms.d script to do so on OSX via dtrace.


using DTrace script

# In Terminal A
➝  sudo profile_1ms.d -c 'node --perf-basic-prof example/fibonacci' | \
      cpuprofilify > /tmp/example.cpuprofile
pid <process-pid>
HTTP server listening on port 8000

# In Terminal B
➝  ab -n 6 -c 2 http://:::8000/1000/
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1554214 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking :: (be patient).....done
[ .. ]

➝  sudo kill <process-pid>

Now open /tmp/example.cpuprofile in Chrome DevTools Profiles - Load

NOTE: in order to try the above example please clone this repository.


cat trace.txt | cpuprofilify <options> > my.cpuprofile

  Converts the given trace taking according to the given opttions


--unresolveds  , --nounresolveds    unresolved addresses like `0x1a23c` are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)
--sysinternals , --nosysinternals   sysinternals like `__lib_c_start...` are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)
--v8internals  , --nov8internals    v8internals like `v8::internal::...` are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)
--v8gc         , --nov8gc           when v8internals are filtered, garbage collection info is as well unless this flag set  (default: true)

--shortStack      , --noshortStack        stacks that have only one line are ignored unless this flag is set (default: false)
--optimizationinfo, --nooptimizationinfo  JS optimization info is removed unless this flag is set (default: false)

--type                              type of input `perf|dtrace`. If not supplied it will be detected.
--help                              print this help


  Generate cpuprofile from DTrace data with default options
  using higher switchrate in order to deal with large amount of data being emitted

    sudo profile_1ms.d -x switchrate=1000hz  -c <command> | cpuprofilify > out.cpuprofile

  Generate cpuprofile from DTrace data with default options keeping v8 internals

    sudo profile_1ms.d -c <command> | cpuprofilify --v8internals > out.cpuprofile

  Generate cpuprofile from DTrace data with default options filtering v8 gc events

    sudo profile_1ms.d -c <command> | cpuprofilify --nov8gc > out.cpuprofile

cpuprofilify and perf

use this on any system that doesn't have DTrace, but perf instead like Linux

perf record -e cycles:u -g -- node --perf-basic-prof myapp.js
perf script | cpuprofilify > out.cpuprofile


<!-- START docme generated API please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN docme TO UPDATE --> <div> <div class="jsdoc-githubify"> <section> <article> <div class="container-overview"> <dl class="details"> </dl> </div> <dl> <dt> <h4 class="name" id="CpuProfilifier"><span class="type-signature"></span>CpuProfilifier<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4> </dt> <dd> <div class="description"> <p>Creates new CpuProfilifier</p> </div> <dl class="details"> <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"> <li> <a href="https://github.com/thlorenz/cpuprofilify/blob/master/index.js">index.js</a> <span>, </span> <a href="https://github.com/thlorenz/cpuprofilify/blob/master/index.js#L12">lineno 12</a> </li> </ul></dd> </dl> </dd> <dt> <h4 class="name" id="CpuProfilifier::convert"><span class="type-signature"></span>CpuProfilifier::convert<span class="signature">(trace, <span class="optional">opts</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"> &rarr; {Object}</span></h4> </dt> <dd> <div class="description"> <p>Converts the given trace taking according to the given opts.</p> <pre><code>var cpuprofilifier = require('cpuprofilifier'); var cpuprofile = cpuprofilifier().convert(trace); fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/my.cpuprofile', JSON.stringify(cpuprofile));</code></pre> </div> <h5>Parameters:</h5> <table class="params"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Argument</th> <th class="last">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="name"><code>trace</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Array.&lt;String></span> </td> <td class="attributes"> </td> <td class="description last"><p>a trace generated via <code>perf script</code> or the <code>profile_1ms.d</code> DTrace script</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>opts</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Object</span> </td> <td class="attributes"> &lt;optional><br> </td> <td class="description last"> <h6>Properties</h6> <table class="params"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th class="last">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="name"><code>map</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">string</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>a map containing symbols information, if not given it will be read from /tmp/perf-<pid>.map.</pid></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>type</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">string</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>type of input <code>perf|dtrace</code>. If not supplied it will be detected.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>shortStack</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>stacks that have only one line are ignored unless this flag is set</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>optimizationinfo</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>JS optimization info is removed unless this flag is set (default: false)</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>unresolveds</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>unresolved addresses like <code>0x1a23c</code> are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>sysinternals</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>sysinternals like <code>__lib_c_start...</code> are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>v8internals</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>v8internals like <code>v8::internal::...</code> are filtered from the trace unless this flag is set (default: false)</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name"><code>v8gc</code></td> <td class="type"> <span class="param-type">Boolean</span> </td> <td class="description last"><p>when v8internals are filtered, garbage collection info is as well unless this flag set (default: true)</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <dl class="details"> <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt> <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"> <li> <a href="https://github.com/thlorenz/cpuprofilify/blob/master/index.js">index.js</a> <span>, </span> <a href="https://github.com/thlorenz/cpuprofilify/blob/master/index.js#L30">lineno 30</a> </li> </ul></dd> </dl> <h5>Returns:</h5> <div class="param-desc"> <p>an cpuprofile presentation of the given trace</p> </div> <dl> <dt> Type </dt> <dd> <span class="param-type">Object</span> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </article> </section> </div>

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