

<div align="center"> <img src="/img/PoleStar.png" width="160px" /> <h1>✨ PoleStar Chat</h1> <p> <strong>An assistant that enhances human intelligence</strong> </p> <h4> <img alt="GitHub release (release name instead of tag name)" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat"> <a href="https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/releases"> <img alt="GitHub all releases" src="https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/total"> </a> <img alt="GitHub" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat"> <a href="https://discord.gg/esyCEGhmq9"> <img src="https://dcbadge.vercel.app/api/server/esyCEGhmq9?compact=true&style=flat" /> </a> </h4> <h4> <a href="https://statuesque-goal-eef.notion.site/PoleStar-Chat-Public-Wiki-c9084b5b26d7416bb3972977e0599fd8?pvs=4">Public Wiki</a> <span> · </span> <a href="https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/blob/main/README-CN.md">中文版本</a> </h4> </div>

You can check the development progress of the following features through PoleStar Chat - Public Roadmap , and feel free to leave us feedback our Discord server.

<h2> 💻 Download </h2>
EnglishMac Intel · Mac M1/M2Get Setup.zipComing Soon
中文Mac Intel · Mac M1/M2下载 Setup.zip敬请期待
<h2> 🤖 More than 100 AI Bot </h2> <p>You can quickly use AI commands in the same way as other IM software, using @, which is as convenient as @ing people in a group chat. We currently support more than 100 AI Bot, covering topics such as education, writing, entertainment, etc. For example, you can use a tarot card master to give you a test of today's fortune, so you don't have to learn and set up a tedious AI Prompt:</p>
More than 100 AI BotTarot Masters Bot
<img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/720642fc-29ab-4556-a845-d225ebf75329'/><img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/45ece994-2181-4cec-909b-6a8e36bfa4f4' />
<p>Another difference between PoleStar Chat and other similar products is that you can @ multiple bots in a channel, which allows you to have a discussion with multiple virtual bots based on a single question, such as having a discussion about nihilism with people like Plato and Camus. Or ask Blog Writer to write a blog post and ask Japanese Translator to translate it into Japanese:</p>
What is nihilism?Blog Writer
<img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/e3283608-d06c-4613-8246-3cbbd0cfd5a8'/><img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/35b209d1-3e81-48f2-8adf-450f828a2684' />
<h2> 🌅 Support Text-to-Image Model</h2> <p>In addition, we not only support text model, but also support the text-generated diagram model, and in order to reduce your learning cost, the default preset some image styles, without having to enter too long commands to generate a nice effect:</p>
Line Art StyleAnime Style
<img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/e1aaef72-f265-4efc-881e-b0d90b63a8c5'/><img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/98f7b805-cdd6-4ab2-a12c-ef16148b6b4f' />
<p>The model we are currently using is Stable Diffusion XL, and you don't need to research how to install the SD model to use the SD outlay as you would with Midjourney.</p> <h2> 💬 Message support quoting</h2> <p>Although AI supports contextual chat, we found that sometimes it's very difficult to make AI understand "this" or "the above" commands accurately. That's why in PoleStar Chat, we provide the function of quoting. It allows you to give commands to the AI accurately. In addition, you can also use the reference function to link the bots together, for example, you can use the Midjourney prompt generator to generate a prompt, and then reference the command and send it to a Text-to-Image Bot:</p>


<h2> 🔖 Supports multiple result displays</h2> <p>Currently, AI technology is still at an early stage, and the content produced by AI is still not very stable, so it is often necessary for AI to re-output. However, most of the products on the market adopt the way of overwriting or resending to solve the retry. Overwriting will lose the historical data, and the resending will disrupt the context. In order to solve this problem, PoleStar Chat supports displaying multiple solutions in the same bubble for easy comparison:</p>
<img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/c46b7440-c1e8-4b78-a171-864726de4de9'/><img width="600" src='https://github.com/thinkingjimmy/PoleStarChat/assets/37492595/ef7ed39c-be4c-4f36-8a94-60b520c36a28' />
<h2> 🔥 Open source</h2> As the Chinese old saying goes, many hands make light work. We can't get more people to use AI by our efforts alone, so we decided to introduce the power of the open-source community. We expect to open-source our code (excluding server-side code) around July, and everyone can use our product for secondary development. <h2> 💰 Pay-as-you-go mode</h2> At present, the most impact on the use of AI may be the price. OpenAI membership costs $20 per month, Midjourney costs $30 per month, but for individual use, it may not be feasible to use them at full capacity, and the $50 monthly fee is still expensive for many people. To solve this problem, we will support paying for Tokens and pay-as-you-go model calls in the future. Simply put, you pay for what you use.