

Rollup multiple .scss, .sass and .css imports

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# Rollup v0.60+ and v1+
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-scss

# Rollup v0.59 and below
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-scss@0


// rollup.config.js
import scss from 'rollup-plugin-scss'

export default {
  input: 'input.js',
  output: {
    file: 'output.js',
    format: 'esm'
  plugins: [
    scss() // will output compiled styles to output.css
// entry.js
import './reset.scss'


Options are passed to the sass compiler (node-sass by default). Refer to the Sass docs for more details on these options. <br/> One notable option is indentedSyntax which you'll need if you're parsing Sass syntax instead of Scss syntax. (e.g. when extracting a Vue <style lang="sass"> tag) <br/> By default the plugin will base the filename for the css on the bundle destination.

  // Choose *one* of these possible "output:..." options
  // Default behaviour is to write all styles to the bundle destination where .js is replaced by .css
  output: true,

  // Filename to write all styles to
  output: 'bundle.css',

  // Callback that will be called ongenerate with two arguments:
  // - styles: the contents of all style tags combined: 'body { color: green }'
  // - styleNodes: an array of style objects: { filename: 'body { ... }' }
  output: function (styles, styleNodes) {
    writeFileSync('bundle.css', styles)

  // Disable any style output or callbacks, import as string
  output: false,
  // An array of paths to resolve @import from (default: ["node_modules"]);
  // in the context of a monorepo you might want to include more paths.
  includePaths: ["node_modules", "../../node_modules"],
  // Choose files to include in processing (default: ['/**/*.css', '/**/*.scss', '/**/*.sass'])
  include: [],
  // Choose files to exclude from processing, (default: undefined) 
  exclude: [],

  // Determine if node process should be terminated on error (default: false)
  failOnError: true,

  // Prefix global scss. Useful for variables and mixins.
  prefix: `@import "./fonts.scss";`,

  // Use a node-sass compatible compiler (default: node-sass)
  sass: require('sass'),

  // Run postcss processor before output
  processor: css => postcss([autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: "Edge 18" })]),

  // Process resulting CSS
  processor: css => css.replace('/*date*/', '/* ' + new Date().toJSON() + ' */'),

  // Add file/folder to be monitored in watch mode so that changes to these files will trigger rebuilds.
  // Do not choose a directory where rollup output or dest is pointed to as this will cause an infinite loop
  watch: 'src/styles/components',
  watch: ['src/styles/components', 'src/multiple/folders'],


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Contributions and feedback are very welcome. New features should include a test.

To get it running:

  1. Clone the project.
  2. npm install



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.