


Productivity suite written from scratch in Ink on the backend, and Ink (with September) and Torus on the web.

Polyx is a project currently in progress, and aims to replace all of my day-to-day productivity software with home-grown tools I can deploy anywhere that gives me 100% control over data and deployment. I can probably cover 80% of my use cases and value with existing solutions (I'm moving to Polyx from Dropbox, Simplenote, Todoist, and Pocket), but I like building my own solutions, and these tools are designed to fit my personal workflows perfectly, so I don't have to change how I work to fit my tools.

I've written at length about my approach to tools and workflows on my blog.


The Polyx suite of software currently contains six applications.


Noct is in many ways my Dropbox replacement and manages a set of unified filesystems across my devices. I depend on Noct to:

Noct is designed as a client-server system, with a shared isomorphic library of filesystem abstractions between them. Noct traverses a directory recursively on a client and server to construct a "sync plan" of file uploads and downloads that will synchronize the directory on the server and client, and implements the plan. File changes are detected using SHA1 hashes as of late 2019, but given its decreasing cryptographic viability in the wild, I might switch over to SHA256.

To start a server, usually a remote or headless machine, run

noct serve <sync root dir>

With the client CLI, to query for a sync plan, run

noct plan --remote <remote addr> <sync root dir>

and to execute the plan, run

noct sync --remote <remote addr> <sync root dir>


Ligature is where I take, keep, and archive all of my notes. I use Ligature notes to:

Ligature is designed to be a minimal, easy-to-use graphical web interface to a directory of Markdown-style text files I use as my notes. I prefer to keep my data storage as simple and portable as possible, and encode more complex data in notation within the notes, to keep the notes portable between different devices, setups, and workflows. Ligature simply reads, updates, and manages the text files for me through the web interface, and is blind to any special notation or structure within those files, except for using the first line of each file as the "title" of the note.

To start the server, run

ligature serve --db <path to notes folder>

The --db configuration is optional (defaults to CWD) and points the server to the directory containing plain-text note files. The directory is expected to only contain those files, and nothing else.

Ligature is temporarily running as an systemd service, until Fortress is ready for production.


Sigil is a task manager and to-do list specifically designed for my workflow. I've used basically every popular task manager out there from Things to Wunderlist, Trello, Apple Reminders, and even pen-and-paper. Most recently, I used Todoist, which has fit my workflow best. Since 2015, I've used Todoist as my full-time and only task manager. But even that doesn't exactly cater to the way I want to work. So Sigil is designed for me, and nobody else, to fit my existing workflow. This mean Sigil has some quirks as a consequence of how I organize tasks.


Nought is a personal people-manager, what some people might call a contact list or CRM.


Ria is a read-it-later service for articles on the web.

Ria stores all of its data in a single text file that functions as a plain text list of all saved links. Each line in the file is formatted:

{{ timestamp }} {{ link }} {{ description which may include #tags #like #this }}

At the moment, Ria will allow exact substring searches on the description. Other indexing schemes + search methods may reveal themselves later, and we may add them as I start needing them.


Fortress is a process manager / supervisor that manages deployment and monitoring of all Polyx services.


Polyx applications are deployed with Fortress.

The conf/ directory contains a collection of configuration files and scripts I use to provision and deploy a server that runs the Fortress instance.


To provision a Fortress server:

  1. Start up a clean Linux install with systemd. Fortress uses systemd as the init system to run as a daemon.
  2. Add a new non-root user with useradd <user>
  3. Make sure SSH, Nginx, and Ink are installed, and copy over any configuration files from conf/.
  4. Create a target Noct sync directory with mkdir ~/noctd (~/noctd is the conventional noct sync directory name, but you can choose something else.)
  5. Clone the Polyx source repository into ~/noctd/src. You can do this by cloning first, then mv-ing the directory. git clone https://github.com/thesephist/polyx; mv ~/noctd/polyx ~/noctd/src
  6. Install the Fortress systemd service file with cp ~/noctd/src/fortress/fortress.service /etc/systemd/system/fortress.service
  7. Start up Fortress as a systemd daemon with sudo systemctl start fortress. If you want to ensure the service always starts on boot, also run sudo systemctl enable fortress.
  8. Install and setup certbot to get and auto-renew HTTPS certs for all set-up domains.


wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.profile # or equivalent for your shell
# default-safe configuration
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing

# allow services
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw allow https
# allow other ports with
# sudo ufw allow <port>

# enable it and check status
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
sudo systemctl start firewalld
sudo chkconfig firewalld on