

Oak 🌳

Build Status

Oak is an expressive, dynamically typed programming language. It takes the best parts of my experience with Ink, and adds what I missed and removes what didn't work to get a language that feels just as small and simple, but much more ergonomic and capable.

Here's an example Oak program.

std := import('std')

fn fizzbuzz(n) if [n % 3, n % 5] {
    [0, 0] -> 'FizzBuzz'
    [0, _] -> 'Fizz'
    [_, 0] -> 'Buzz'
    _ -> string(n)

std.range(1, 101) |> std.each(fn(n) {

Oak has good support for asynchronous I/O. Here's how you read a file and print it.

std := import('std')
fs := import('fs')

with fs.readFile('./file.txt') fn(file) if file {
    ? -> std.println('Could not read file!')
    _ -> print(file)

Oak also has a pragmatic standard library that comes built into the oak executable. For example, there's a built-in HTTP server and router in the http library.

std := import('std')
fmt := import('fmt')
http := import('http')

server := http.Server()
with server.route('/hello/:name') fn(params) {
    fn(req, end) if req.method {
        'GET' -> end({
            status: 200
            body: fmt.format('Hello, {{ 0 }}!'
                std.default(params.name, 'World'))
        _ -> end(http.MethodNotAllowed)


On macOS, Oak can be installed through Homebrew.

brew install oak

On other platforms or macOS without Homebrew, check the installation guide on the Oak website to install the Oak CLI or build it from source.


Oak has 7 primitive and 3 complex types.

?        // null, also "()"
_        // "empty" value, equal to anything
1, 2, 3  // integers
3.14     // floats
true     // booleans
'hello'  // strings
:error   // atoms

[1, :number]    // list
{ a: 'hello' }  // objects
fn(a, b) a + b  // functions

These types mostly behave as you'd expect. Some notable details:

We define a function in Oak with the fn keyword. A name is optional, and if given, will define that function in that scope. If there are no arguments, the () may be omitted.

fn double(n) 2 * n
fn speak {

Besides the normal set of arithmetic operators, Oak has a few strange operators.

Oak uses one main construct for control flow -- the if match expression. Unlike a traditional if expression, which can only test for truthy and falsy values, Oak's if acts like a sophisticated switch-case, comparing values until the right match is reached.

fn pluralize(word, count) if count {
    1 -> word
    2 -> 'a pair of ' + word
    _ -> word + 's'

This match expression, combined with safe tail recursion, makes Oak Turing-complete.

Lastly, because callback-based asynchronous concurrency is common in Oak, there's special syntax sugar, the with expression, to help. The with syntax sugar de-sugars like this.

with readFile('./path') fn(file) {

// desugars to
readFile('./path', fn(file) {

For a more detailed description of the language, see the work-in-progress language spec.

Builds and deployment

While the Oak interpreter can run programs and modules directly from source code on the file system, Oak also offers a build tool, oak build, which can bundle an Oak program distributed across many files into a single "bundle" source file. oak build can also cross-compile Oak bundles into JavaScript bundles, to run in the browser or in JavaScript environments like Node.js and Deno. This allows Oak programs to be deployed and distributed as single-file programs, both on the server and in the browser.

To build a new bundle, we can simply pass an "entrypoint" to the program.

oak build --entry src/main.oak --output dist/bundle.oak

Compiling to JavaScript works similarly, but with the --web flag, which turns on JavaScript cross-compilation.

oak build --entry src/app.js.oak --output dist/bundle.js --web

The bundler and compiler are built on top of my past work with the September toolchain for Ink, but slightly re-architected to support bundling and multiple compilation targets. In the future, the goal of oak build is to become a lightly optimizing compiler and potentially help yield an oak compile command that could package the interpreter and an Oak bundle into a single executable binary. For more information on oak build, see oak help build.


As of September 2021, Oak is about 5-6x slower than Python 3.9 on pure function call and number-crunching overhead (assessed by a basic fib(30) benchmark). These figures are worst-case estimates -- because Oak's data structures are far simpler than Python's, the ratios start to go down on more realistic complex programs. But nonetheless, this gives a good estimate of the kind of performance (or, currently, the lack thereof) you can expect from Oak programs. It's not fast, though anecdotally it's fast enough for me to have few complaints for most of my use cases.

Runtime performance is not currently my primary concern; my primary concern is implementing a correct and pleasant interpreter that's fast enough for me to write real apps with. Only when speed becomes a problem for software I built with Oak will I really invest much more in speed. I think being as fast as Python and Ruby is a good goal, long-term. Those languages run in production and receive continuous investments into performance tuning, but are far more complex. Oak is much simpler, but it's also just me. I think it evens out the difference.

There are several immediately actionable things we can do to speed up Oak programs' runtime performance, though none are under works today. In order of increasing implementation complexity:

  1. Basic compiler optimization techniques applied to the abstract syntax tree, like constant folding and propagation.
  2. A thorough audit of the interpreter's memory allocation profile and a memory optimization pass (and the same for L1/L2 cache misses).
  3. A bytecode VM that executes Oak compiled down to more compact and efficient bytecode rather than a syntax tree-walking interpreter.


Oak (ab)uses GNU Make to run development workflows and tasks.

To try Oak by building from source, clone the repository and run make install (or simply go build .).

Unit and generative tests

The Oak repository so far as two kinds of tests: unit tests and generative/fuzz tests. Unit tests are just what they sound like -- tests validated with assertions -- and are built on the libtest Oak library with the exception of Go tests in eval_test.go. Generative tests include fuzz tests, and are tests that run some pre-defined behavior of functions through a much larger body of procedurally generated set of inputs, for validating behavior that's difficult to validate manually like correctness of parsers and libdatetime's date/time conversion algorithms.

Both sets of tests are written and run entirely in the "userland" of Oak, without invoking the interpreter separately. Unit tests live in ./test and are run with ./test/main.oak; generative tests are in test/generative, and can be run manually.