


npm litterate install size

Litterate is a command line tool to generate beautiful literate programming-style description of your code from comment annotations.

Check out Litterate's own source code, annotated with litterate, on GitHub Pages.


If you have npx, you can run litterate on your project by just running

npx litterate

which will run Litterate with the default configuration, found in ./src/defaults.js.

You can also install litterate as a command line tool using npm install --global litterate.

By default, Litterate will count comment blocks starting with //> on a newline as annotation blocks (see files under ./src/ for examples). This means Litterate works by default for C-style comment languages (JavaScript, Java, C[++], Rust's normal comments). Litterate can be configured to work with pretty much any language that has beginning-of-line comment delimiters, like # in Python or ; in a variety of other languages.

You can customize Litterate's output with command line arguments (run litterate --help to see options), or with a configuration file, which you can pass to litterate with the --config command line option.

Usage with npm scripts

Generally, you'll want to have a configuration you use for your project, and a simple way to run Litterate. For this, one option is to have an npm script that runs Litterate with a configuration file in your project. For example, we may have an npm script:

    "scripts": {
        "docs": "litterate --config litterate.config.js",

With this script, running npm run docs or yarn docs will run Litterate from your NPM dependencies, with the config file you specified. If you use Litterate this way, there's no need to install Litterate globally; just make sure Litterate is installed for your project as a dependency or devDependency.

Configuration options

Save your configuration in a file, say litterate.config.js, and call Litterate with the config with litterate --config litterate.config.js. An example configuration file (the one Litterate uses for itself) is in the repo, at ./litterate.config.js.


Name of your project, which shows up as the header and title of the generated documentation site.


Description text for your project, shown in the generated site. You can use full Markdown in the description. Litterate uses marked to parse Markdown.


An array of file paths to annotate. You can specify file paths as full paths or glob patterns. On the main page of the generated site, links to individual files will show up in the order they're listed here.

By default, Litterate annotates all files that match ./src/**/*.js.


If 0, long lines of source code will never be wrapped. If any other number, Litterate will wrap long lines to the given number of characters per line.


By default, the generated website assumes the root URL of the site is '/', but for GitHub Pages and other sites, you may want to set a different base URL for the site. This allows you to set a different site base URL.


Verbose output while Litterate runs, useful for debugging.


Specify a different destination directory for the generated docs site. By default, Litterate writes to ./docs/.

annotationStartMark and annotationContinueMark

By default, Litterate only counts comment blocks that look like this, as annotation blocks.

//> Start of annotation block
//  continued annotation block
function add(a, b) {
    // comment that isn't counted
    return a + b;

This allows you to write // TODO comments and other logistical comments without having them be parsed into Litterate annotations. If you'd rather use a different prefix to mark the start and subsequent lines of Litterate anotation blocks, you can override annotationStartMark (defaults to //>) and annotationContinueMark (defaults to //).

If you wanted to count all comments, for example, you could override annotationStartMark to //.
