

draw 🖌

draw is a tiny in-memory collaborative whiteboard for the web. draw syncs pen strokes in real-time across all users in the room, as well as managing presence in real-time between all active users to show when users join and leave. I wouldn't call it production-ready, but it works well enough for my personal use cases of doodling with friends, and fits in a few megabytes of RAM.

I usually use it to share drawings and doodle together with friends on iPads with the Apple Pencil, and works quite well even on slow connections and devices.

It's built on...

draw screenshot


Deployment is managed by systemd. Copy the draw.service file to /etc/systemd/system/draw.service and update:

Then start draw as a service:

systemctl daemon-reload # reload systemd script
systemctl start draw   # start draw server as a service