Helper scripts for windows debugging with symbols for Bochs and IDA Pro (PDB files). Very handy for user mode <--> kernel mode
Fast and easy way (only names)
In Guest: Install windows debugging tools (windbg)
In Guest: install debug symbols
In Guest: execute windbg with command line -logo:
"C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe" -logo c:\windbg_syms_output.txt
Go to File -> Kernel Debug -> Local
Go to File -> Symbol File Path -> Browse
Select your symbol path (for me its C:\winsymbols), Select Reload -> OK
List all processes in windbg with:
!process 0 0
PROCESS 8982ec20 SessionId: 0 Cid: 056c Peb: 7ffd7000 ParentCid: 0548
DirBase: 10a83000 ObjectTable: e18f4320 HandleCount: 237.
Image: explorer.exe
Attach to explorer.exe with .process /p /r 8976e2d0 (it has a a lot of user mode dlls)
.process /p /r 8982ec20
.reload -a
.reload /f
Execute in windbg:
x /2 *!*
Wait and be patient
Close windbg
Clean c:\windbg_syms_output.txt file, removing all lines before
lkd> x /2 *!*
windbg_syms_output.txt should looks like:
7ffe0300 SharedUserData!SystemCallStub
00af1d80 kext!diskspace
00af2af0 kext!DebugExtensionInitialize
00af2bb0 kext!DebugExtensionNotify
00af2ce0 kext!DebugExtensionUninitialize
f7ba0a90 Ntfs!LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer
f7b78831 Ntfs!NtfsQueryBasicInfo
f7b85653 Ntfs!NtfsCacheSharedSecurityByDescriptor
Move windbg_syms_output.txt to Host
In Host: Execute windbg_syms_output.txt bochs_syms_and_ida_names.txt
in Host: Open Bochs Debugger, start a debug session, Press Ctrl + C (break). Use ldsym global bochs_syms_and_ida_names.txt
ldsym global "C:\\Users\\leno\\Desktop\\symseghelper\\bochs_syms_and_ida_names.txt"
Edit "C:\Program Files\IDA Pro 7.7\cfg\dbg_bochs.cfg"
BOCHSDBG = "C:\\Users\\leno\\Desktop\\Bochs-pruebas\\bochs\\bochs.exe";
BOCHSRC = "C:\\Users\\leno\\Desktop\\Bochs-pruebas\\bochs\\.bochsrc";
Go to IDA .....
Debugger -> Run -> Local Bochs Debugger
Cick Debug Options -> Set specific options -> Select Disk image
in Host: Open IDA PRO, start a debug session and go to File -> Script File
Select, this script ask you for bochs_syms_and_ida_names.txt
WARNING: Only follow these steps if you need segments
Copy dumpmodules.wds to Guest C:\
Create in Guest C:\outfiles directory
In Guest: Install windows debugging tools (windbg)
In Guest: install debug symbols
In Guest: execute windbg
"C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe"
Go to File -> Kernel Debug -> Local
Go to File -> Symbol File Path -> Browse
Select your symbol path (for me its C:\winsymbols), Select Reload -> OK
List all processes in windbg with:
!process 0 0
PROCESS 8982ec20 SessionId: 0 Cid: 056c Peb: 7ffd7000 ParentCid: 0548
DirBase: 10a83000 ObjectTable: e18f4320 HandleCount: 237.
Image: explorer.exe
Attach to explorer.exe with .process /p /r 8976e2d0 (it has a a lot of user mode dlls)
.process /p /r 8982ec20
.reload -a
.reload /f
Execute in windbg
$$>a<C:\dumpmodules.wds C:\outfiles
move C:\outfiles dir from Guest to Host
type in windbg
type in windbg
lm vo
Create a new file called windbg_lm_output.txt and paste lm vo output
windbg_lm_output.txt shoud looks like:
806d0000 806f0300 hal (pdb symbols) c:\winsymbols\dll\halaacpi.pdb
Loaded symbol image file: halaacpi.dll
Image path: halaacpi.dll
Image name: halaacpi.dll
Timestamp: Sun Apr 13 11:31:27 2008 (4802517F)
CheckSum: 00024F17
ImageSize: 00020300
Translations: 0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
bf800000 bf9c2980 win32k (pdb symbols) c:\winsymbols\sys\win32k.pdb
Loaded symbol image file: \SystemRoot\System32\win32k.sys
Image path: \SystemRoot\System32\win32k.sys
move windbg_lm_output.txt to Guest
In Host
with, windbg_lm_output.txt and outfiles/ in same path, execute: windbg_lm_output.txt outfiles ida_segments.txt bochs_segments.txt
you can use this file in Bochs debugger with ldsym global, example:
ldsym global "C:\\Users\\leno\\Desktop\\symseghelper\\bochs_segments.txt"
It can be useful have segments + symbols together:
type bochs_segments.txt > bochs_syms_with_segments.txt
type bochs_syms_and_ida_names.txt >> bochs_syms_with_segments.txt
Load segments + symbols in Bochs:
ldsym global "C:\\Users\\leno\\Desktop\\symseghelper\\bochs_syms_with_segments.txt"
Now, when a instruction its out of a known segment its easy to view:
in Host: Open IDA PRO, start a debug session and go to File -> Script File
Select, this script ask you for ida_segments.txt