


This is common-tones. common-tones is a fork of CLM-5 (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/clm/).

Threading has been rewritten to use bordeaux-threads and the main ffi interface has been rewritten to use cffi.

The build process has been entirely rewritten to work with ASDF3 and Quicklisp.

Sound probably doesn't work. I wouldn't call this "production-ready" but all of the mathematical/signal functions DO work. If you're on Unix/Linux/MacOS (but not M1) it might be able to connect to the audio system but I haven't gotten to that part of the code yet. Same with the run loop. Use those at your own risk...

The main mus file has been broken out into generators/* to isolate issues in debugging.

Todo’s include updating the run macro and the defins file, as well as automating the full build process, but from a portability perspective this should be a lot more portable. Once I finish that I plan to add modern linkages to the audio stack and update the code to use 64-bit floats as an option.

This is available on Ultralisp (https://ultralisp.org) via (ql:quickload :common-tones).

Please open an issue if you find a bug.

This library should be a drop in replacement (at the moment) for clm on Lisp implementations that support ASDF3.