

Owen's Blog

The blog is built with Zola, for my personal need, I've use my forked version to build it.

The only change is that I use /content/xxx.md instead of @/xxx.md to refer the internal markdown files, so that the editor can also go to the linked file.

Related docments

Related Issue 1

Visit it Online


make install

Local Serve

make serve

Local Build

make build



I use Foam Lite to help me input internal links quickly.

I also use Simple bash to generate template markdown file for the initial blog post.


I use Meilisearch to index my blog, and I introduced it in this article.

How to init the search? the install script is in my dotfiles:

ca meilisearch

Get the meilisear admin api key:

# TEMP_MEILISEARCH_API_KEY is the master key
curl \
  -X GET 'https://meilisearch.owenyoung.com/keys' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TEMP_MEILISEARCH_API_KEY" \
  | json_pp

Then add the admin api key to github actions secrets, then run build site search index.

Then, change the config.toml -> meilisearch_api_key to the user search api key with the above result.

In the future, the build workflow will take care of the search indexing automatically.