


A very simple game state management library written in Lua, for the LOVE2D framework.

To use it, simply follow these steps:

  1. Make a screen

This is done by copy/pasting the the sample screen as the basis for a new screen.

  1. Now, you add your screen at the top of ScreenManager.lua, like so:
local gameStates = { -- this is where you set the directories of your screens
	["screenGAMEMAIN"] = require("<directory to your new screen>");
  1. Require ScreenManager and switch to your first screen!

The bundled main.lua should work for all projects. It calls the major methods called by love in ScreenManager.lua. To switch screens, simply call :SwitchStates() in the ScreenManager from an screen! The :Load() callback contains a reference to ScreenManager, so you can have full access to the state manager without having to require().