

Source code of TheSpace official app.


Install Tools

Install project development dependencies

npm install --only-dev

Auto reload dev server

make dev-server

or, in debug mode

make debug-server


Env Management (production/staging/development)

Switch env

cp src/Env/(Production|Staging|Development).env src/Env.elm

Backup current env

make backup-env

This will back up src/Env.elm to src/Env.bak.

Restore backup env

make restore-env

This will restore src/Env.bak to src/Env.elm, and use src/Env/Development.env if src/Env.bak not exists.


Production Release

make prod

Staging Release

make stag

These commands will:

  1. backup current env
  2. switch to production/staging env
  3. compile current Elm code with --optimize flag to src/Native/elmappesm.js (ES6 Module).
  4. bundle elmappesm.js with js files to current/(prod|stag)/app.js
  5. uglify and minify current/(prod|stag)/app.js to current/(prod|stag)/app.min.js
  6. generate current/(prod|stag)/index.html using MD5 checksum of app.min.js as version(?v=version)
  7. remove current/(prod|stag)/app.js and src/Native/elmappesm.js
  8. restore backed up env

App Architecture

Diagram for TheSpace App Architecture