


Web is the best place to back things up. Internet doesnt forget things easily. There are two awesome sites that continuously backup internet. How about using them to backup your blog or a site :)

###You need

  1. Your site should support Google site map
  2. You need python

###Services Archive your website using the following services

  1. archiveis - http://archive.is - default
  2. archiveorg - http://web.archive.org/


$python archive.py


$python archive.py -u http://thejeshgn.com/sitemap.xml -o output.txt -s archiveis


$python archive.py -u http://thejeshgn.com/sitemap.xml -o output.txt -s archiveorg


  1. Use mementoweb to do time travel.

  2. Web masters can use wayback machine's page finder to increase user experience.

  3. Try downloading your pages for offline use


  1. Added requirements.txt
  2. GUI to prompt users for settings. Useful if the user is not comfortable using command line