

Reactive microservices

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Reactive microservices is an Typesafe Activator Template completely devoted to microservices architecture. It lets you learn about microservices in general - different patterns, communication protocols and 'tastes' of microservices. All these concepts are demonstrated using Scala, Akka, Play and other tools from Scala ecosystem. For the sake of clarity, we skipped topics related to deployment and operations.


To feel comfortable while playing with this template, make sure you know basics of Akka HTTP which is a cornerstone of this project. We recently released an Akka HTTP activator template that may help you start. At least brief knowledge of Akka remoting, Akka persistence, Akka streams and Play Framework websockets is also highly recommended.


This activator template consists of 9 runnable subprojects — the microservices:

They uses different communication methods, different databases, and different frameworks.


Review the configuration files

Take some time to review application.conf files that are located in resource subdirectory of each microservice. You can also look at docker-compose.yml file, which contains docker preconfigurated images for all the required databases.

Run migrations (You don't need to do this step if you want to use our docker container)

For auth-codecard, identity-manager and auth-password you need to run the SQL migration scripts which are located in postgres directory. If you want to use non-default names please tweak the application.conf files. You can also tweak and use this script in your console.

cd /where/this/activator/template/is/located/
psql -h localhost -U postgres -f ./postgres/init.sql &&
psql -h localhost -U postgres -f ./postgres/auth_entry.sql &&
psql -h localhost -U postgres -f ./postgres/identity.sql


Run docker-compose up in project main directory to launch databases, or if you are using your own database instances, make sure you have PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis up and running.


You can run each service separately, but we also we provided a SBT task called runAll.


Due to some issues with Play/sbt cooperation metrics-collector and btc-ws should be run separately. In order to run them in one sbt CLI instance use these commands:

; project btc-ws; run 9000
; project metrics-collector; run 5001

Everything else should work out of the box. Enjoy!

Author & license

If you have any questions regarding this project contact:

Łukasz Sowa lukasz@iteratorshq.com from Iterators.

For licensing info see LICENSE file in project's root directory.