

Tehran.js Proposal (website)



This landing page was my proposal for tehran.js website that it wasn't used

#How to use

First, Clone this repo

Second, Cd to projects's folder

Next, Install its dependencies by this command [sudo] npm install

Finally, After , dependencies were installed

  1. For Serve Project : npm start

After this command you should see a new tab in your browser.

  1. For Deploy Project : npm run build

After this command you should see a new folder that name is build in root project .

#Font of project

Originally, Iran Sans has been used for this project that created by Moslem Ebrahimi ,but it doesn't exist in this repo because you know 😄

So if you've already bought this font locate it in dev/font/irsans folder


buy it from Font Iran

What is Tehran.js

Tehran.js is a Voluntary organizations for holding monthly meeting about java script and the newest technology about it.