

minifill.js - the essential polyfill

Ever wondered how to fix old browsers, improve scripting execution performance, simplify scripting and improve overall code quality all without using jQuery? The answer is polyfills.

jsDeliver CDNJS

The polyfills come from various sources to which I give full credits:

When you use the above service, there is a certain amount of delay involved when executing the polyfill queries, as well as some unexplained in page script execution lags, a case where it's best to just host your own polyfills, and here comes minifill handy.

TIP: My other libraries such as bootstrap.native and KUTE.js work best with minifill.

A minimal polyfill with most essential stuff:

What is minifill.js for

How to use minifill.js

<!-- if you wanna use it locally -->
<script nomodule type="text/javascript" src="../assets/js/minifill.min.js"></script>

<!-- if you wanna use JSDELIVR -->
<script nomodule type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/thednp/minifill@0.0.4/dist/minifill.min.js"></script>

<!-- if you wanna use CDNJS -->
<script nomodule type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/minifill/0.0.4/minifill.min.js"></script>

Custom builds

You can create your own builds specific to your application bundles, but make sure to keep the same order as for the minifill.js.


<b>Class Manipulation</b>

// check for a class
var docHasClass = myElement.classList.contains('someClass'); // return true|false

// add a class

// remove a class

// toggle a class

<b>String / Array checks</b>

// indexOf
string.indexOf('looking for this'); // returns the index of 'looking for this' within the string OR -1 if not found
// or
array.indexOf(myElement); // returns the index of an element within the array OR -1 if not found

<b>Get current computed style for an element</b>

// getComputedStyle
var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(myElement); // returns the current computed style for myElement
var width = elStyle.width; // returns the current computed width

<b>Get the exact current time</b>

// window.performance.now
var timeNow = window.performance.now(); // returns a number with the exact current time

<b>Create Native Events</b><br> Instead of writing

// typical triggering events these days
if ( 'createEventObject' in document ) {
	myChangeEvent = document.createEventObject();		
	myChangeEvent.type = type;
	myChangeEvent.bubbles = bubbles;
	myChangeEvent.cancelable = cancelable;
} else {
	myChangeEvent = document.createEvent('Event');			
	myChangeEvent.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);	

you can simply write

// Event
var myChangeEvent = new Event('change'); // creates 'change' Event Element / Object (legacy browsers)

to do it all for you.

<b>Create Custom Events</b>

// CustomEvent
var myCustomEvent = new CustomEvent('my.custom.event.name'); // creates 'my.custom.event.name' CustomEvent Element / Object (legacy browsers)

<b>Triggering/Dispatching Events</b>

myElement.dispatchEvent(myChangeEvent); // dispatches the native 'change' event for myElement, defined above
myElement.dispatchEvent(myCustomEvent); // dispatches a CustomEvent event for myElement, defined above

<b>Adding Event Handlers</b>

// addEventListener
window.addEventListener('scroll',handler,false); // adds a new handler to the window `scroll` event
// OR
myButton.addEventListener('click',handler,false); // adds a 'click' (or any other supported/custom event) handler for any HTML element

<b>Removing Event Handlers</b>

// removeEventListener
window.removeEventListener('scroll',handler,false); // removes a handler bound to the window `scroll` event
// OR
myButton.removeEventListener('click',handler,false); // removes a handler bound to 'click' (or any other supported/custom event) handler for any HTML element

NOTE: if the removeEventListener call is not in the same context with addEventListener, it will produce no effect. If you would like to autoremove a handler, you would need to write your code like this:

window.addEventListener('scroll', function handlerWrapper(e){
  window.removeEventListener('scroll', handlerWrapper, false);


minifill.js is licensed under MIT License.