


<h3>Description :</h3> Arbitrary Text Injection is an attack where an application does not properly handle user-supplied data, an attacker can supply content to a web application, typically via a parameter value or through the URI path, that is reflected back to the web page. <h3>Impact :</h3> Risk factors depend on the business type of the application. If the application business brand is well known and has major competitors, this issue can be abused by malicious competitors/disgruntled employees/unsatisfied customers to trigger mass distributions of false messages to unsuspecting customers. <h3>Tool :</h3> https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei <h3>Refrence :</h3> https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/Content_Spoofing <br /> https://hackerone.com/reports/327671