


Swift Version MacOS Support iOS Support tvOS Support watchOS Support visionOS Support

Enalog for Swift is the Unofficial Swift Package made by <a href="https://twitter.com/mistermeenr">Joe Barbour</a> in collaboration with <a href="https://enalog.app/">Enalog & Enteka Software</a>.


<h3>Getting Started</h3> <p>You can add this package to your project using Swift Package Manager. Enter the following url when adding it to your project package dependencies:</p> <pre>https://github.com/thebarbican19/EnalogSwift</pre>


<h3>Introduction</h3> <p>EnalogSwift requires an Enalog Account and an <strong>API Key</strong> which can all be created for free <a href="https://dash.enalog.app/organisation">here</a>.</p> <p>Once you have obtained an <strong>API Key</strong> and created a project in the Enalog Dashboard, you must specify these in the <code>info.plist</code> in your Swift application.</p> <p>To paste this directly into the <code>info.plist</code> right-click on the <code>info.plist</code> file in Xcode and choose <strong>Open As > Source Code</strong></p>
<br/> Declare the Library <code>import EnalogClient</code>


<h3>User Metadata</h3> <p><p> <p>For tracking each event in Enalog by user attributes it's important to call the user function. Here you can pass an <strong>UserID</strong> (required), <strong>Email Address</strong> & <strong>Name</strong> Additionally, you can also pass Any object that conforms to the <code>Codable</code> protocol. </p>
struct UserObject:Codable {
    let id = "@MisterMeenr"
    let name = "Mojito Joe"
    let email = "joe@sprintdock.app"
    var plan:String
let user:UserObject = .init(plan: "PREMIUM")

EnalogManager.main.user(user.id, name: user.name, email: user.email, metadata: user)


<h3>Tracking Events</h3> Creating & Tracking events can be achieved by calling the <code>EnalogManager.main.ingest()</code> function. This function takes the following parameters... <br/><br/> <li><strong>Event ID</strong> (Enum)</li> <li><strong>Description</strong> (String)</li> <li><strong>Tags</strong> (Array<String>)</li> <li><strong>Metadata</strong> (AnyObject)</li> <li><strong>Channel</strong> (EnalogChannelObject)</li>

<br/><br/> First, you must create an <strong>Enum</strong> with all your Event ID's. This can be named anything.

enum EnalogEvents:String {
    case myNewEvent = "new.event"
    case fatalErrors = "fatal.error"
    case purchaseEvent = "purchase.event"

<p>Once you have added this, you can call...</p> <code>EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.myNewEvent, description:"This is a description")</code> <br/><br/> <p>Additionally, you can add <strong>Tags</strong> by calling...</p> <code>EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.myNewEvent, description:"This is a description", tags:["My Tag 1", "My Tag 2"])</code> <br/><br/> <p>And like when specifying <strong>User Metadata</strong>, you can specify additional Metadata with <strong>AnyObject</strong> the conforms to the codable protocol.</p> <pre> struct PurchaseEvent:Codable { let product:String let cost:Double


let product:PurchaseEvent = .init(product:"SprintDock License", cost:95.00)

EnalogManager.main.ingest(EnalogEvents.purchaseEvent, description:"A product was purchased", metadata:product)</pre>


<h3>Crash Logging</h3> <strong>EnalogSwift can also notify you of crashes in your App.</strong> When enabled, additional metadata is sent which includes the reason. <br><br> To enable crash logging, you call the <code>crash</code>. This takes an <code>enum</code> just like the <code>ingest</code> function. <br><br> <pre> EnalogManager.main.crash(EnalogEvents.fatalError) EnalogManager.main.crash(EnalogEvents.fatalError, channel: .init(.slack, id:"MY CHANNEL")) </pre>


<h3>Throttling</h3> <p>Throttling stops duplicate ingests and unnecessary requests to the server. By default, this is set to **10 requests per minute**.</p> <p>This limit can be changed by passing an <code>Int</code> the <code>throttle</code> function</p> <code>EnalogManager.main.throttle(perMinute: 0)</code> <br/><br/> <strong>This limit is capped at 20 ingest requests per second.</strong>


<h3>Disabling</h3> <p>You can turn off all event tracking if you are running in a debug environment or running tests manually.</p> <code>EnalogManager.main.disable(true)</code>


<h3>Logging & Debugging</h3> <p>Logging & Debugging are available in EnalogSwift. This can be toggled on and off at any point by calling</p> <code>EnalogManager.main.debug(true)</code><p></p>By default, this will output all logs in the Xcode console.</p> <p></p>For additional granularity, you can pass <strong>.fatal</strong> <code>EnalogManager.main.debug(true, logType:.fatal)</code>. This will call a <strong>FatalError</strong> exception whenever an error occurs.</p><p></p><strong>This should not be used in Production.</strong></p> <p>Debug is automatically enabled when running in Xcode.</p> <br/><br/> <h3>Version Support</h3>

EnalogSwift runs on all Apple device architectures, including VisionOS! <br/>


<strong>Enalog</strong> also has official Libraries in <a href="https://enalog.app/docs/sdks/python/">Python</a> <a href="https://enalog.app/docs/sdks/node-js/">Node.js</a> & <a href="https://enalog.app/docs/sdks/go/">Go</a>. For more information, visit the <a href="https://enalog.app/docs/">official documentation</a>.