This is the crispy-docs project.
This contains the source for the documentation for the crisp lisp interpreter located at
This content is currently hosted at:
Development mode
To start the Figwheel compiler, navigate to the project folder and run the following command in the terminal:
lein figwheel
Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser. The server will be available at http://localhost:3449 once Figwheel starts up.
Figwheel also starts nREPL
using the value of the :nrepl-port
in the :figwheel
config found in project.clj
. By default the port is set to 7002
The figwheel server can have unexpected behaviors in some situations such as when using websockets. In this case it's recommended to run a standalone instance of a web server as follows:
lein do clean, run
The application will now be available at http://localhost:3000.
Optional development tools
Start the browser REPL:
$ lein repl
The Jetty server can be started by running:
and stopped by running:
Building for release
lein do clean, uberjar