

The Pudding Website

Publishing a new story


Copy + Data

Each page has a copy doc in our website folder on Google Drive.

Additionally, there is a misc copy doc for a few items that can appear in multiple places.


Authors There is a Google Sheet for all author data.


Feature and Design Development



This starter template aims for fast and easy web development speficially for data-driven and visual stories. It is an opinionated template built on top of SvelteKit.

Please Note: do not use or reproduce The Pudding logos or fonts without written permission.

Prettier Formatting: Disable any text editor Prettier extensions to take advantage of the built-in rules.



New school: just click the Use this template button above.

Old school:

npx degit the-pudding/svelte-starter my-project

Then in your local repo:

npm install


To start the dev server:

npm run dev

Modify content in src and static/assets.


npm run build

This generates a directory called build with the server-side rendered static-hostable app.

If deploying to github pages:

make github


There are a few stylesheets included by default in src/styles. Put anything global in app.css. For variable parity in both CSS and JS, modify files in the properties folder using the Style Dictionary API.

You can use SCSS or another CSS preprocessor by installing the module (eg. node-sass) and including the property in the svelte-preprocess in svelte.config.js.

Google Docs and Sheets

Running npm run gdoc at any point (even in new tab while server is running) will fetch the latest from all Docs and Sheets.

Pre-loaded helpers


Located in src/lib/components.

Helper Components

Located in src/lib/components/helpers.


Located in src/lib/actions.


Located in src/lib/utils/.


These are located in src/lib/stores. You can put custom ones in src/lib/stores/misc.js or create unique files for more complex ones. To include them do this (replacing name):

import name from "$stores/name.js";


checkOverlap.js: Label overlapping detection. Loops through selection of nodes and adds a class to the ones that are overlapping. Once one is hidden it ignores it.

csvDownload.js: Converts a flat array of data to CSV content ready to be used as an href value for download.

loadImage.js: Loads an image.

loadPixels.js: Loads the pixel data of an image via an offscreen canvas.

mapToArray.js: Convenience function to convert a map to an array.

translate.js: Convenience function for transform translate css.

transformSvg.js: Custom transition lets you apply an svg transform property with the in/out svelte transition. Parameters (with defaults):

urlParams.js: Get and set url parameters.


<g out:transformSvg={{ target: "translate(50, 50)" }}>


Any @html tags, e.g., {@html user} must be the child of a dom element so they can be properly hydrated.