

VaultSync Operator

Periodically syncs secrets from various Vaults to Kubernetes Secrets.


This project aims to simplify secret management. The idea is:

  1. Store secrets in any of the industry standard vaults such as Azure KeyVault, AWS Secrets Manager, GCP Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault.
  2. These vaults are your source of truth.
  3. Whenever secrets change in Vaults your application gets updated automatically with the newer values.

Currently Supported Providers:

Currently Supported Consumers:

Quick Start

1. Deploy the Operator

kubectl apply -f deploy/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/operator.thatinfrastructureguy.com_vaultsyncers_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml

2. Set Your Cloud Credentials

Note: Make sure your credentials have proper authorization to access azure keyvault / aws secrets manager.


kubectl -n vaultsync create secret generic azure-credentials \
--from-literal AZURE_TENANT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--from-literal AZURE_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--from-literal AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--dry-run -o yaml | kubectl -n vaultsync apply -f -


kubectl -n vaultsync create secret generic aws-credentials \
--from-literal AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--from-literal AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--from-literal AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--from-literal AWS_REGION=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
--dry-run -o yaml | kubectl -n vaultsync apply -f -

3. Create the Custom Resource


apiVersion: operator.thatinfrastructureguy.com/v1alpha1
kind: VaultSyncer
  name: azure-vaultsyncer
  namespace: vaultsync
  provider: "azure"
  providerCredsSecret: "azure-credentials"
  vaultName: "myKeyVault"
  deploymentList: ""


apiVersion: operator.thatinfrastructureguy.com/v1alpha1
kind: VaultSyncer
  name: aws-vaultsyncer
  namespace: vaultsync
  provider: "aws"
  providerCredsSecret: "aws-credentials"
  vaultName: "mysecretsmanager"
  deploymentList: ""

Custom Resource Values

providerCloud Provider currently supported azure and awsnil
providerCredsSecretSecret in vaultsync namespace where authn/authz credentials are stored. By default it points to provider-credentials. Create an empty secret if you are authorizing via IAM policies and do not need credentials.provider-credentials
vaultNameAzure KeyVault / AWS Secrets Manager name from where secrets will be pulled.nil
consumerThis is defaulted to kubernetes secrets. In future other consumers may be supported. Eg: jenkins, VMkubernetes
secretNameThe name of the secret to be created/updated whenever the secrets are pulled from vault. If empty, name of secret is kept the same as name of the vault.vaultName
secretNamespaceNamespace where the secret should be created. If empty, secret is created in default namespace.default
deploymentListComma seperate names of deployments which should be redeployed once the secret is updated. This is done in order for deployments to capture the newly updated secrets. Helpful when kubernetes secrets are mounted as environment variables or volumes.nil
statefulsetListComma seperate names of statefulsets which should be redeployed once the secret is updated. This is done in order for statefulsets to capture the newly updated secrets. Helpful when kubernetes secrets are mounted as environment variables or volumes.nil
refreshRateDetermines how often check for updated secrets is done. Defaults to 60 seconds cycle.60
convertHyphensToUnderscoresAzure Keyvault does not support _ in the key name. However, environment variables usually contain _ eg: AZURE_CLIENT_ID. If set to true, you can store keys in Azure KeyVault as as AZURE-CLIENT-ID and they will be inserted in kubernetes secret as AZURE_CLIENT_ID.false